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he CAKECITY is the city of blockchain to earn and farm CKE.
CAKECITY has 2 cities that present 2 major user categories STAKE district (Yield Farming) and FARM district (Vault earning). For a high-level understanding of how it works, consider the following situations.
Before proceeding, note the following general information, that apply to both STAKE and FARM on the platform.
Pre Sale
1 апр. 2021 г.
30 апр. 2021 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
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О проекте CAKECITY

CAKECITY staking pool is a place where people can earn CKE by depositing ckeTokenAsset, a place where you can “put your money to work” while you are sleeping. Our staking pool pays rewards to user every time.
At the beginning of every week, our dev will notify and distribute more CKE reward tokens to each staking pool. Later when we set up our DaoVote for CKE’s holder, the amount of reward that is distributed to each pool every week will layone vote result of the pool, not us.

--Step by step to stake into Staking Pool:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select STAKE district and connect your wallet with Metamask or Wallet Connect
Step 3: Select a pool that you want to stake
Step 4: Input the amount of ckeTokenAsset you want to stake, click Stake, then confirm your transaction on the wallet.
Step by step to harvest (or unstake and harvest) CKE reward from Staking Pool:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select STAKE district and connect your wallet with Metamask or Wallet Connect
Step 3: Select a pool that you already staked, then you see the amount of CKE earned.
Step 4: Click Claim (or Unstake and Claim), then confirm your transaction on the wallet.
Please note that the greater the participation in a staking pool, the lower the reward paid to each participant per second (and therefore APY) becomes.

CAKECITY Последние Новости

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