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Последнее обновление

14 нояб. 2021 г.

ALYA is a deflationist Token with 5% Taxation @ each Transfer - 65% of Total Supply is locked in Smart Contract for Miners. There is no further privileged or private Sales for ALYA. Much more is in whitepaper @
Presale via
15 нояб. 2021 г.
31 дек. 2021 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Цель 8 100 000.00 USD
  • 1 ALYA
    0.1 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
Total Supply 205.000.000,00
Presale 7,317073% 15.000.000,00
Referral Bonus 1,463415% 3.000.000,00
Stake Bonus 0,975610% 2.000.000,00
Liquidity Coin 7,317073% 15.000.000,00
Airdrop 2,439024% 5.000.000,00
TEAM 2,926829% 6.000.000,00
Marketing 3,902439% 8.000.000,00
ARGE 2,926829% 6.000.000,00
ALYA Care 2,926829% 6.000.000,00
CoinTool Sale 0,585366% 1.200.000,00
Others 1,951220% 4.000.000,00
Maden 65,268293% 133.800.000,00
TOTAL Supply 100,00% 205.000.000,00
Принимаемые валюты
Минимальный вклад
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированное название компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
Компания основана
Nov 1, 2020
Бонусная структура
Referral Bonus - Staking Bonus - More in Whitepaper.
дополнительные детали
Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

О проекте ALYATTES

ALYA is the major Token of ALYATTES Platform which is based on many platforms like ALYASwap, ALYA-Ex, ALYA-Fun, ALYA-Trading and ALYA Care. ALYA is launching a Fairlauch ICO and first owner of ALYA is going to be decided with this Presale because there was never any other former Sales in ALYA Token. ALYA is basically a Deenflationist Token with 5% Taxation on every Transaction. 65,7% of Total Supply is locked in Smart Contract and is going to be mined through PoA Miners in next 5 years. ALYA Contract has already CERTIK Verified. For more Informations, we refer to read Whitepaper on


Social Responsibility Foundation helping Children 

Auto Burn, Auto Holders Bonus 

65,7 % of Total Supply is Locked for Miners 

No former Sales, only Presale in Fairlaunch

Техническая информация

Contract Address: 0x72690c447aa1ea53042899b7402d10a176819102

Main Network: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)            

Decimal: 9

Total Supply: 205.000.000          

Premined: 71.200.000  

Locked: 133.800.000

Memo: Yes

Mining: PoA & PoS         

Mining Period: 1500 Blok           

Smart Contract: Decentralized

Audit Report: Yes - CERTIK


  • from 2021 to 2024

  • Q4 / 2021
    Auditing ALYA Codes
    PreSale Structure
    PreSale (FairSale via

    Q1 / 2022
    Pancake Listing
    Mining Start
    ALYA CARE Structural Setup

    Q2 / 2022
    Planning - FARM Options
    Listing on Centralized Exchanges
    Organisation of ALYA CARE
    Planning - ALYA Wallet Options

    Q3 / 2022
    Operational Start of ALYA Care
    Development and First Test - ALYA FARM
    Development and First Test - ALYA Wallet
    Structuring of ALYA Swap

    Q4 / 2022
    Planning - ALYA FUN
    Farming Start @ ALYA Finance
    Providing BETA v.1. ALYA Wallet
    International Offices for ALYA Care


Проверено 100%

Sinan Ay
Melih Can Mavis
Murat Gümüs
Ahmet Genc
Mavis Sergen


Sinan Ay
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO of ALYATTES Project and we are happy to be able to introduce our great Project on ICOHolder to you.
What do you think about idea?
We are trying to build an unique and giant Ecosystem which turns around 1 thing : ALYA

Let's rock and roll the world together with you.
Melih Can Mavis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Chief Technology Officer
I am responsible for the implementation of software projects and I am the person who provides the introduction of new technologies into the system.
What do you think about idea?
ALYA is not just a deflationary token, it is general name of a community that consist of many platforms. ALYA is a cryptoasset that has a Developer Team improves himself continuously and provide better services for ALYA. ALYA can be mined through POA and POS Concensus.
Murat Gümüs
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Operations Director of the ALYATTES Project,
I am happy to share such a big project with you.
What do you think about idea?
The ALYATTES project is the digitalized version of the social human concept, which reminds us of the things we cannot see in the tempo of life.
Ahmet Genc
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CMO Chief Marketing Officer
Turkey field coordinator
Developer team member
ecosystem designer and implementer
What do you think about idea?
planning the future

We can’t foresee the future, but we are glad to try to provide a better future to everyone
MAVIS Sergen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Chief Information Officer

Responsible for technology and informatics. I am responsible for the strategies for keeping the project up to date with new technologies.
What do you think about idea?
Alya is not just a symbol, it is a community name. It consists of a team that constantly improves itself. Our vision is to produce projects with the highest technologies and at the same time to lend a helping hand to people. I am proud to be a part of this team.

ALYATTES Последние Новости

5.0 1
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда
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