3 min readDec 21, 2021


Iron Ram

Recon Rams

Project Background

When our team of co-founders began to talk through what we wanted our project to look like, we looked to take inspiration from our favorite collections. Three projects stood out to us as ideal examples of what we would like to achieve: Magic Mushroom Clubhouse, Kaiju Kingz, and Galactic Apes.

We focused on these projects specifically because we feel they each excel at an important area. MMC has a strong community foundation and a launchpad to assist new creators, Kaiju Kingz has some of our favorite artwork as well as positioning educational resources to assist new developers, and Galactic Apes has unique mechanics in their project through genus and missions. We put our own spin on the concepts of these projects and thus, Recon Rams was born.

Initial Collection
5990 Collection: 2995 Bighorn 2995 Ibex
10 of which are Animated Legendaries

Elite Collection
150 Collection: 150 Elite Rams, 1 of 1s and Animated

Phase 1 — Mint of Initial Collection to Mint of Elite Collection

Our initial collection will consist of 5,990 Rams. These Rams will provide their owners with numerous utilities. One key utility to highlight is owning a Recon Ram will allow you to participate in the Ram Prix’s.

The Ram Prix’s are community-oriented events where holders will have the chance to earn points by completing various challenges and competitions. This will help the community build connections and create a fair and diverse playing field.

There will be two separate Ram Prix events for our community following mint. This will reward holders who have been with us since our projects launch in early December, and those who find us later after the mint occurs. Rewards for both will be similar, where there will be Eth prizes and Elite Mint Passes for the second collection.

The most talented and active members who are awarded Mint Passes will have the opportunity to mint the Elite Collection of 150, 1:1, animated Elite Rams. These Elite Rams will bring additional utility in Phase 2 of the project.

To maximize value to our community, we will be allowing the Mint Passes to be exchanged for mint at no cost to the holder.

Phase 2 — Genesis to Minting Collection 3 — Token Launch / Missions –

Following the mint of our Elite collection, Recon Rams will launch a Token and Missions.

Ram holders will be able to earn the token in a variety of ways. The primary method of earning will be through passive staking. By holding your Recon Ram(s) in your wallet, they will earn a set amount of tokens per ram.

There will be a token earning multiplier through our Wingram mechanic. When a holder has both an Ibex and a Bighorn Ram in their wallet, the mechanic will be activated and provide said multiplier.

Missions will be lore-centered events in our Ram Universe that will be enabled at defined intervals throughout Phase 2. While the token is earned passively by holding Recon Rams in your wallet, missions will require the holder to select to send their Scouting Party on the chosen mission.

Mission success will be determined by a number of factors:

  • Number of Rams
  • WingRam pair
  • Origin (Initial collection vs. Elite Collection)

The primary goal of missions will be enabling Ram Holders to accrue enough tokens to mint our 3rd collection. The 3rd collection will provide additional value/utility in our Phase 3.

Mission rewards will include but not be limited to:

  • Additional Recon Ram token earnings
  • Blue Chip project tokens
  • Whitelist spots to upcoming projects
  • Assets to be used in various metaverse projects
  • 1 on 1 meetings with consultants (NFT project consultants, developers, artists, etc) that have been vetted and recruited by our team.

Phase 3 — Rams Community migrates from Hearthmount to expand into an immersive new Territory.

