Enquanto todos os blockchains oferecem incentivos financeiros para manter Consenso em seus livros, nenhum bloqueio possui uma robusta cadeia mecanismo que altera perfeitamente as regras que regem o seu protocolo e recompensa o desenvolvimento do protocolo. Como resultado, a primeira geração blockchains capacita de facto, equipes de desenvolvimento central centralizadas ou mineiros para formular opções de design.
Tezos assume uma abordagem fundamentalmente diferente criando regras de governança para as partes interessadas aprovarem atualizações de protocolos que são então implantados automaticamente na rede. Quando um O desenvolvedor propõe uma atualização de protocolo, eles podem anexar uma fatura para ser pago em seu endereço após a aprovação e inclusão de sua atualização. Esta abordagem proporciona um forte incentivo para participação no desenvolvimento do núcleo Tezos e mais descentraliza a manutenção da rede. Compensa desenvolvedores com tokens que têm valor imediato em vez de forçando-os a buscar patrocínios corporativos, salários de fundação, ou trabalhe para a fama da Internet sozinho.
Tezos instancia novas inovações técnicas, mas também impõe tipos de constitucionalismo através do uso de provas formais para verifique matematicamente se as propriedades das chaves são mantidas ao longo do tempo. De permitindo que as partes interessadas coordenem on-chain, a rede também permite a criação de recompensas para implementar recursos específicos ou descobrir erros. Coletivamente, a rede mantém a aspecto descentralizado do blockchains ao mesmo tempo que introduz um mecanismo para permitir a tomada de decisão coletiva. Tezos tokens não só poder contratos inteligentes na rede, mas também permitem votações no protocolo alterações. O lançamento inicial da Tezos é simples por design, mas é A natureza de auto-alteração significa que as regras que regem a rede podem ser melhorado ao longo do tempo.
- Uma verificação formal para qualquer contrato inteligente que funcione nos Tezos bloqueio matematicamente provando a correção do código
transações governamentais
- Michelson, sua própria linguagem de contrato inteligente com correção e verificação formal em mente
- Equipe de desenvolvimento forte
- Três anos de desenvolvimento
MAY 2019
OCT 2019
MAR 2020
SEP 2020
FEB 2021
MAY 2021
MAY 2021
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
Tezos generated a lot of publicity, partly because of its prominent backers. This may help bring developers to work on this platform.
The idea that Tezos doesn’t ever need to hard fork is appealing.
The technology can be disruptive to the current environment and if successful, it will change the blockchain landscape dramatically.
I believe there is a governance issue in the way the ICO is structured: DLS, the company co-founded by Kathleen and Arthur Breitman, will be acquired by the Tezos Foundation for 10% of the amount raised as part of the ICO. On top of that, DLS’ shareholders will receive 8.5% of the contributions made during the fundraiser. The more money the ICO attracts, the bigger payout the Breitmans will have. In most of the other ICOs, there is also an allocation to founders and developers, but there is a hard cap on how much money to be raised, which limits the founders’ payout. Some would argue that Ethereum also had an uncapped ICO, but the cryptocurrency climate was vastly different then – it only raised $18 million over 42 days and was considered a success.
Tim Draper is a renowned investor, but it doesn’t mean that everything he touches will be a success. Investors should not contribute just because a billionaire also did. Tim Draper has had his share of bad calls before. Moreover, Tim Draper invested in DLS, which as mentioned above, will receive a fixed percentage of the amount raised. Hence, his interest is different from the ordinary ICO contributors.
XTZ won’t be tradable for at least four months. Four months is a long time in the crypto world – Ethereum was trading at $12 four months ago.
Even if Tezos is superior to other blockchain like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it doesn’t necessary mean that it will achieve mass adoption. Right now, Ethereum has a strong momentum and it is unclear whether developers will switch to work on a new blockchain. For example, even though it is technologically superior, Betamax lost to VHS because it didn’t receive the support of enough hardware companies to reach economy of scale.
Overall, I am neutral about this ICO. Tezos’ goal is ambitious and its solution is interesting, but I dislike the uncapped nature and the fact that the founders are incentivized to attract as much funding as possible, diluting the return on investment.
If you are on the fence about whether to contribute or not, I would suggest waiting for the first bonus period (+20%) to end and see how much money has been raised because a lot of people want to take advantage of the maximum bonus. This way, you do lose a little bit of bonus (15% vs. 20%) but you can have a much better picture of what the valuation of the project is before committing your money.
Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding:
Not good because (1) the ICO is uncapped for two weeks, meaning everyone who wants to participate can do so, leaving no unmet demand, and (2) XTZ won’t be tradable for at least 4 months.
For long-term holding:
I am neutral about Tezos’ long-term prospect. It comes down to whether you believe Tezos will become the blockchain of the future.
Aleksey: Tezos was listed on Gate.io. It made х5. The project itself is interesting, global.
Sergey: I participated in the ICO and bought it after on the exchange, as I planned. It is competitor to EOS.
Tezos is embroiled in controversy and in-fighting, although it’s pushing through to continue development with the help of the community. The beta is still in its infancy, and the foundation lacks key partnerships and dApps that could grow the network. Still, it has several key factors working in its favor.
Tezos is one of the most well-funded ICOs in history, raising $232 million in BTC and ETH that have skyrocketed in value since its July 2017 ICO.
The Tezos Foundation replaced several key board members, including president Johann Gevers, since it started butting heads with cofounders Arthur and Kathleen Breitman.
The Tezos network is currently in beta while it works out bugs. It has a bug bounty program to help expediate the process.
To help pay operating fees, Tezos accepted a $1.5 million investment from venture capitalist Tim Draper, who now owns 10 percent of the DLS, which maintains control over Tezos IP.
With these pieces in place, Tezos has a chance to succeed. It just needs to dig its way out of the legal issues bogging it down. Whether it accomplishes its goal of being the last cryptocurrency or ends up as a cautionary tale for other ICOs remains to be seen.
Whatever happens, it’s a crypto to watch in 2018 and beyond.
Tezos is a brand new blockchain built from the ground up. the blockchain enables innovation via self-amendment. That means it’s easier, more profitable, and more seamless when adding innovations to the blockchain.
When improvements are added to, say, the bitcoin blockchain, we run the risk of creating a hard fork. Thanks to the Tezos consensus mechanism, that’s no longer an issue.
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