Uma plataforma global bem organizada para compra e venda de produtos e serviços em criptomoedas. Os usuários não serão mais forçados a converter moedas fiduciárias em criptografia. Você decide como comprar mercadorias da maneira mais fácil. Nosso objetivo mais valioso é integrar compradores, vendedores e disponibilidade de pagamento em criptomoedas.
Queremos alcançar, acima de tudo, pessoas interessadas em criptomoedas, pessoas que tratam de investir seriamente e acreditam que o desenvolvimento de projetos baseados na tecnologia blockchain trará benefícios notáveis em um futuro próximo. Os investidores poderão negociar fichas OpenArtis na bolsa imediatamente após o final da fase da OIC. Até lá, uma plataforma que confirme o desenvolvimento real do projeto também será criada. Isso acelerará o retorno do investimento sem a necessidade de aguardar o lançamento do projeto e o desenvolvimento da empresa, como no caso de iniciar o trabalho no projeto somente após a conclusão da fase da OIC.
Amazing solutions such as the Mass Order system will be developed. It will allow shop owners and individuals to create shopping groups. Sellers will be able to place one large order together with the producer, reducing logistic costs. The Openartis team will include managers for customers who use the Mass Order system. Support will enable large-scale buyers and individuals to implement an expected means of payment accepted by producers (for instance Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum), negotiate product prices and delivery terms. In this way, cryptocurrencies will be disseminated as a payment method among global producers.
It's still not everything…
A revolutionary ecosystem consisting of trade and services platform, its own cryptocurrency market, a mobile application that integrates stores and the cryptocurrency market, free-of-charge exchange of cryptocurrencies, and all that supported by its own blockchain is not the end. Achieving the ICO hard cap will allow the development of an international logistic network that will be used by the platform’s users and sellers. The latter will be able to send their goods to one of Openartis logistic centers. The platform will manage logistic process as well as customer service, handling returns and guarantees. Such a solution gives users of the platform the highest quality of service and sellers an opportunity to focus on running their business. Openartis will also provide the necessary marketing tools for sellers and companies including among others: Internet advertising, creating websites, landing pages, sales funnels, mailing lists, newsletters. It’s a full package of tools to develop your own business.
It is estimated that over the next 3 years the e-commerce market will reach turnover of $4 880 000 000 000 000 000.00. Openartis will use blockchain technology to provide a revolutionary ecosystem consisting of:
1. A commerce and service platform using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment;
2. An integrated cryptocurrency market with free exchange during shopping;
3. A mobile application (for the cryptocurrency market and platform);
4. The Mass Order system for sellers, small and large companies;
5. A logistic network servicing trade as part of the platform’s operation.
In the future, the whole will be complemented by the original card payment system where users will have funds available in various cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the application of own blockchain, the money will be integrated with the Openartis cryptocurrency market and the trading platform. In the future, you will be able to use our payment cards in all stores (not only online).
Due to the dynamic development of the Openartis project, the cryptocurrency and e-commerce market we expect a significant increase in the value of our tokens which will be one of many available means of payment within the ecosystem and platform. By developing our capabilities, using smart contracts and blockchain technology, Openartis will significantly contribute to the growth of cryptocurrency and e-commerce market, increasing its value over the next decades.
10th September 2018
31th October 2018
1st November 2018
1st November 2018
28th February 2019
Q1 2019
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q2 2019
Q3 2019
Q1 2020
Q2 2020
Q2 2020
Q2 2020
Q3 2020
Q4 2020
Q4 2021
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Se você tiver alguma preocupação sobre a natureza, propriedade ou legalidade desta venda de token ou as pessoas envolvidas, entre em contato com com informações detalhadas sobre suas preocupações. p> div>