% name% Reviews

Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: A
​The token metrics are reasonable with somewhat long lockup for presale participants. With the strong and growing user base of WATCHA, we believe there should be plenty of unmet demand after the tokens are tradable.
For long-term holding: A
​The target users for Contents Protocol are the content consumers and producers, which are mostly millennial from South Korea and Japan. They are the most receptive of the use of cryptocurrency. Coupled with the large user base of WATCHA, we believe that Contents Protocol has a good chance to succeed.
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ICO Pantera
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iCO review website

Contents Protocol does not align with VoD market trends and attract investments aiming to achieve not clear competitive advantage

Technical specifications are not available. No detailed Whitepaper available. It is impossible to check a prototype. Roadmap is not detailed. Blockchain does not add significant value to the product. 

Maximum cap is overvalued considering lots of work already done. Most of team members do not provide their LinkedIn profiles. Lack of experienced blockchain developers


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Another blockchain-based project trying to eliminate disadvantages of current centralized content sharing platforms. The main difference of Contents Protocol is in the company behind the project – WATCHA, a serious successfully working business with user base of almost 4 million members. This almost guarantees success of the platform, at least in the short-term perspective. The platform is planned to be beneficial for both content creators (much higher rewards) and users (ability to earn tokens). The two-token system will provide permanently growing price of the CPT token, but may become too complex for some users that may potentially hamper the platform adoption.
A promising project building a win-win platform for content consumption and being developed by a serious Korean business recognized by Google and Apple.

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Wolf Crypto
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