Biker Token

Biker Token

Created using Figma
Launching tokens with unique features based on Games Theory
To be announced
Details token
Totale voorraad
aanvullende details
Binance Smart Chain

Over Biker Token

The main purpose of BIKER is de-fi gamification. We know that token burning, farming, token distribution and mostly the whole de-fi environment can be gamified in so different ways, enhancing the user experience, engagement, and feedback.

NFTs obtained with BIKER will be used in play-to-earn games, farms and so on creating value for the coin. NFTs also can be obtained as achievements for winning games or participating in events.

4% transaction fee is distributed to holders and another 4% is added to liquidity automatically to keep the price growth.

Let's create a huge community! This is just the beginning of something great.Launching tokens with unique features based on Games Theory

Biker Token Laatste nieuws

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