마지막 업데이트
2023. 8. 14.
The payment system is one of the most complete in the world where the seller selects the product where he can have the product information in the application already registered or insert a new one, and highlights the value in USD, RUBBER, EURO, he will choose the currency, thus generating a unique Qr code, where the buyer reads this code also with the SOLYUN app and chooses to pay by entering his 6-digit password.
The payment system is one of the most complete in the world where the seller selects the product where he can have the product information in the application already registered or insert a new one, and highlights the value in USD, RUBBER, EURO, he will choose the currency, thus generating a unique Qr code, where the buyer reads this code also with the SOLYUN app and chooses to pay by entering his 6-digit password.
General ecosystem
Growth of valueThe valuation is given by the use and quantity of users adept the currency and the Solyun system Solyun starts its Pre sale with market value at $ 5.33, appreciation is given by the number of registered users on the site
Exchange for other crypto currencyCreation of the system of exchanges in the site among users in general so also we allow arbitration, making the system assure and without market manipulation for Pump and dump. We will initially add 5 to 12 coins for users to trade with:*Bitcoin (BTC) - BitcoinCash (BCH) - Ethereun (ETH) - Ethereun Classic (ETC) - Litecoin (LTC) - Dash (DASH) - Ripple (XRP) - Nano (XRB) - USD - RUBLE - EURO
Protection against fraudWe guarantee that all systems are anti fraud and against scammer, so much so that we are Scam Trademarks, we will never put coins fausas or Pishing for users to exchange, only viable and original coins and following an infinite line.
Transfer to P2Puser can put the sale a certain amount of BTC as a private sale, he can even stipulate the price outside the exchange system. can choose virtual currencies or Money, he will receive offers for sale
AnonymityThe money is yours and you owe no satisfaction to anyone, that's why we value 100% anonymity
October 17/2017
January 07/2019
December 23/2020
April 30/2021
JULY 03/2021
august 30/2021
January 10/2022
January 20/2022
May 07/2022
november 30/2022
February 20/2023
may 20/2023
December 10/2023
January 30/2022
검증 됨 29%
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이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 info@icoholder.com 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오.