Panerora is a digital peer-to-peer payment system, allowing individuals to exchange funds at a fraction of the traditional cost and time from anywhere in the world. Panerora is an ERC-20 token, which is a smart contract utilizing the Ethereum chain. A smart contract is a protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. These allow the performance of credible transactions without the intervention of a third party. These ERC-20 tokens can represent a wide variety of digital assets and are secure, quick, and can be utilized in numerous different ways. For Panerora, that purpose is building a secure, quick, and inexpensive means of transferring money to those who may be without banking services.
Panerora will offer a unique system, tailored to the needs of the African people. By establishing numerous local branches and partnering with otc exchanges, offering PNR to fiat conversion in these branches, and by operating off the Ethereum network, Panerora has alot to offer the African population. What Panerora enables is fast, inexpensive, cross-border money transfer. Say someone wanted to send money from France to a relative in Africa. They would have to first go to their bank, pay a fee, and then the bank would begin the long process of transferring this money to the individual in Africa. Not only would this take a long time, the recipient may have to travel a substantial distance to their own bank, or anywhere where they can collect this payment.
Whats more, this may not even be possible due to the high number of unbanked individuals in general, citing the inconvenience of finding a branch as well as general mistrust for banks. How Panerora differs is mainly in the commitment in offering the best coverage with regional branches, but has key differences due to leveraging blockchain technology. With Panerora, the previous situation plays out rather differently. The person sending fiat converts to PNR, sending it from the comfort of their own home and paying next to nothing to do so. The PNR then arrives in seconds rather than days, allowing the recipient to then go to any local branch or over the counter exchanges to withdraw into the currency of their choosing. It is important to note that plans are in place for major financial bodies to transfer with Panerora in much the same manner, with the network able to support billions to trillions of dollars worth of transactions sent in mere seconds or minutes, rather than days.
September 2019
October 2019
November 2019
December 2019
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
이 쿠폰은 쿠폰 제공자가 제공 한 정보 및 기타 공개적으로 제공되는 정보를 기반으로합니다. 토큰 판매 또는 교환 이벤트는 ICO 보유자와 전적으로 관련이 없으며 ICOholder는 이에 관여하지 않습니다 (기술 지원 또는 프로모션 포함). ICOholder와 관계가없는 사람들로부터 나열된 토큰 판매는 고객이 전반적인 토큰 부문에서 발생하는 활동을 추적하는 데 도움이되는 경우에만 표시됩니다. 이 정보는 귀하가 의지해야 할 조언에 해당하지 않습니다. 당사 사이트의 내용을 기반으로 한 조치를 취하거나 삼 가기 전에 전문가 또는 전문가의 자문을 구하거나 자신의 실사를 수행해야합니다. 토큰 획득과 관련하여 참가자가 입력 한 조건은 토큰과 ICO 소유자의 발행인이 그러한 토큰의 판매자가 아닙니다. ICO 소유자는 토큰 판매와 관련하여 제 3 자의 진술에 대해 법적 책임이 없으며 계약 위반에 대한 청구는 여기에 열거 된 토큰 발행 기관과 직접 체결해야합니다. p>
이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오. p> div>