RabitiAI connects the innovative power of advanced technology with the principles of decentralized networks. Our ecosystem enables creators, brands, and communities to develop intelligent agents that captivate audiences and authenticate projects using cutting-edge, accessible tools and blockchain technology.
What set RabitiAI apart?Personalization Driven by Blockchain: RabitiAI Agents utilize blockchain technology to customize experiences specifically for every individual. From automated agreements to token-based interactions, they offer a tailored, decentralized approach to every engagement.
Engaging Conversations in Web3: Transitioning from traditional text, RabitiAI Agents provide engaging, human-like dialogues in the decentralized realm of Web3. They enable smooth interaction among decentralized applications, distributed platforms, and token-based environments.
Swift and precise: Tailored for the dynamic Web3 landscape, RabitiAI Agents provide replies in less than two seconds with more than 90% accuracy, guaranteeing effective and dependable assistance for blockchain transactions and inquiries.
Next-Level Intelligence for Distributed Frameworks: Fueled by Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, RabitiAI Agents transcend conventional AI limitations. They deliver immediate, contextually precise information through the integration of blockchain data, guaranteeing transparency and reliability.
Tokenized Capabilities: RabitiAI Agents drive groundbreaking Web3 solutions, including the creation and verification of tokenized documents, enhancing on-chain analytics, and fueling DeFi interactions with unmatched accuracy.
RabitiAI Agents connect advanced technology with decentralized systems, enabling users to effortlessly navigate and succeed in the changing blockchain and Web3 environment with assurance.
Create and manage API keys
Test keys in the playground
Track all integration activity
Link session status and results
Runtime execution logs
View detailed error logs and debugging info
View active sessions
Remove sessions when needed
Manage app users and user pools
Manage team access
Configure member permissions
Customize organization settings
Test link flows for any integration
Generate CDP URLs for browser automation
Preview a linked session in an iframe
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
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