PolyShark Finance has been developed originally for the Ethereum Blockchain, but as layers 2 began to emerge. We wanted to be a part of it, and this project reflects our deep faith in the Polygon ecosystem.
Overall, our platform takes advantage of a whole new buyback burning mechanism. Originally introduced by Goose Finance on the Binance Smart Chain, we tried to slightly improve the efficiency of such a mechanism in order to maximize the rewards while having a deflationnary system.
We are well aware of the infinite supply issue, as one may be deeply concerned by this, we will do our best to keep a deflationnary economics leveraging mechanisms such as Buyback Burning and Transfer Tax Burning.
Overview of the core featuresAlgorithmic Emission Reduction
Buyback and Transfer Tax Burning mechanisms
On-chain Referral Rewards
LP & Single asset Farming
No Migrator Code
Timelock set at Launch
Q2 2021
Q3 2021
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