The origins
Midistream is basically a projet create by Belgian coder
Jean-Michel Dewez's team and was release at SXSW 2018
This plateform offers to music composers, performers,
remixers, sound designer and basic users a new way to
create, sell, buy, broadcast midi music with a
multi-levels reward system and plan to host the whole
world's music offered to remixes.
Project have been successfully backed on kickstarter (2019)
MIDI token has been created to resolve the problem to
reward original artists and reward remixers in an
unchangeable way thrustable by all record labels.
Then the solution has been abstracted to allow other usages
not only midi music distribution.
We build the exact NFT service we need to run our
midistream platform securly and made it available
for all, including other contents like gfx, online
gaming, video and more, with a secure acces to the
unlockable content or web access.
We faced to a wall of silence when trying to contact
any labels to have a deal with them concerning the
music royalties we want to give to the artists so
we decided to keep it safely in the blockchain for
When a NFT remix is sold, there is automatically
25% of the amount locked in an account until we
manage to payback the due to the creator.
There is also the classic possibility to reward @-25 %
to the minter in case of re-selling.
An NFT contain a cover picture, title, description,
an unlockable content which can be a secret url.
The access to the URL can eventually be secured
with the wallet's extension and an easy to use SDK.
検証済み 0%
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