We don't intend to reinvent the wheel. Based on our experience, we intend to work with the various stakeholders through a common platform which everyone benefits. Today material is either sold off to informal recyclers at a nominal rate or simply disposed into the bin. Where it is sold, the value is nominal as it is unprocessed. It is the end users who make the margins by buying cheap but selling high.
We are developing an eco-system leveraging technology to improve participation rates of the various stakeholders. For recycling to be truly circular and sustainable, it is important to get the various stakeholders aligned and incentive to work in the same manner. Incentive alignment combines both education and awareness and commercial interest. The FCC enables this objective.
Collections are the key to recycling and the FCC reflects the starting point and underpins the entire eco system. Waste generators are paid for their materials by FCCs, collectors are paid by the recycling facility by FCC and the end buyers of materials sold by the recycling facility are paid by FCC. All this is run via an easy to use platform. The FCC will enable complete traceability of material from point of collection to final output therefore confirming closed loop recycling is happening. In addition, the platform enables data collection which is turn used to improve commercial efficiency. We can assist to understand household recycling patterns at a granular level and work with them to increase both recovery and quality of recyclables recovered. This is turn enables better quality recyclables to be collected and increasing the value of the FCC.
Q2 2016
Q3 2016
Q4 2016
Q1 2017
Q3 2017
Q4 2017
Q2 2018
Q3 2019
Q4 2019
Q2 2020
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