これは、モバイルアプリを介して、“コレクターの分散型の従業員を使用して行われます。 XDTトークンで物理データを送信するように奨励されている人。
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q4 2019
Q1 2020
Q2 2020
Q3 2020
Q4 2020
Q1 2021
Q2 2021
Q3 2021
検証済み 33%
検証済み 0%
DATAEUM is a blockchain-based platform which uses crowdsourcing to enable the collection of 100% of all the global physical data (such as stores, gas stations, traffic signal) anywhere in the world with 100% accuracy.
The use of crowdsourcing enable the platform users to easily and transparently collect the global data from anywhere across the globe making the use viable. I would therefore invest in it.
Positives Allows users to monetise on their delivery of data Data is very detailed and updated Fast and scalable to be global due to the apps inputted technology Negatives Too much detail in data could be used wrongfully in certain peoples hands
Dataeum is a project created by DenDen Company that wants to place individuals at the center of the data ecosystem, tackling the challenges of data ownership and data reliability, making it decentralized, dis-intermediated and incentivized through collaborative solutions (Crowdsourcing) using the blockchain and smart contracts.
Main features
Right now there is no direct competitor to this project. There are projects based on blockchain working to improve copyright (Copytrack), data quality (SkyTao) and others that protect data privacy or data rights, but none with the Dataeum approach.
Data production grows exponentially but, currently, only a minimum percentage is analyzed, exploited or monetized. Dataeum has an original idea which “refines” the quality of the data, a market that is now estimated at more than 3 trillion dollars, a gold mine for large corporations and governments.
In this project good team and strong advisors. The project has every chance to become successful. But I will tell fairly, something is missing to tell WOW. But, I will repeat, at this project every chance of success, looking from outside.
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