Berry Token (BRY)

BRY is Berry Data’s governance token. BRY is designed to empower the broader DeFi ecosystem to drive the creation of a fully transparent, community-owned, and open-source oracle platform on Binance Smart Chain.

Token Distribution and Vesting Details

The total BRY token circulation is 12,500,000. Token distribution is as follows:

55% - Mining: 40% of BRY will be mined out as block rewards to miners in the Berry oracle network; 15% of BRY will be provided through liquidity mining

23% - Ecosystem Fund: will be used for partners to build Berry Data project and its ecosystem as a vault. 7% will be used for the initial listing campaign and creating pools; 16% will be locked for 2 years and will be released every quarter

16% - IFO: will be sold on PancakeSwap IFO

6% - Team: will be locked for 2 years and will be released every quarter. Team vesting will start from the second quarter after the listing

Ecosystem Fund

Berry Data implements a 23 percent ecosystem fund. This revenue stream will be managed by the Berry team and utilized in the following ways:

☑ Incentivize token holding

☑ Incentivize data collection and validation

☑ Incentivize tech development and new open-source dApps

☑ Incentivize governance participation

Last updated