

Created using Figma
Varclay is a decentralized cryptocurrency, with 120 million coins, developed under the bep20 (binance smart chain) standard that guarantees security, scalability, efficiency and transparency. We have a business ally, our most important financial partner, who acquired 20% of the currency to finance development. The remaining percentage will be distributed among the community.
To be announced
dettagli aggiuntivi


Secure Wallet

Stay safe, your varclays are safe use Binancechain or Metamask to store.

Fast Notifications

Our network is fast, safe and with low price, send and receive your coins instantly..

Exchange Service

Exchange your cryptocurrencies for varclay, trade.

Complete Solution

We are a quick solution to start in the cryptoactive world.

Trading Platform

thanks to the fact that our algorithm belongs to the binance smart chain standard, your transactions will be safe.


Invest in varclay, buy, sell, hold your cryptocurrencies if you want.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2021

  • Launch of the website to the net.
  • Q2 2021

  • Update wallets for Varclay.
    Varclay integration company.
    First launch varclay exchange open market.
  • Q3 2021

  • Second listing, varclay exchange open market.

Varclay Ultime novità

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