IronBlock (PreICO)

IronBlock (PreICO)

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IronBlock è una piattaforma e un mercato di servizi basati su Blockchain per $ 1 trilione + mercato globale delle macchine per l'edilizia, l'estrazione mineraria, la silvicoltura e l'agricoltura.
IronBlock è una piattaforma decentralizzata globale progettata per ottimizzare i processi di verifica dei dati relativi alla manutenzione e alle condizioni dei macchinari e fornire l'IMPEGNO per le vendite di macchinari specializzati.
12 dic 2017
14 gen 2018
100% completato
$44 990
hard cap
22% berretto completato
berretto 200 000.00 USD
Hard cap 700 000.00 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
Servizi per gli affari

Di IronBlock (PreICO)

Informazioni su IronBlock

IronBlock è una piattaforma decentralizzata per la verifica delle condizioni dei macchinari, l'ottimizzazione dei servizi di manutenzione e garantisce il rispetto di tutti gli obblighi contrattuali per le transazioni tra i partecipanti al mercato delle macchine da costruzione, minerarie e agricole.

Il compito principale di IronBlock è quello di fornire il livello di confidenza necessario nelle informazioni sulle apparecchiature negoziate in modo che i proprietari, le società di leasing e assicurazioni, così come gli acquirenti di tutto il mondo, possano interagire direttamente senza intermediari, senza rischi e con denaro significativo e risparmio di tempo.

IronBlock offre una soluzione per i due problemi principali per il mercato globale delle macchine specializzate:

  1. Dimostrare la validità delle informazioni sui macchinari.
  2. Garanzie di conformità agli obblighi contrattuali tra i partecipanti.


- Dati sulla condizione delle macchine
- Offerte e & nbsp; ricerca macchinari
- Verifica delle condizioni di manutenzione e macchinari

% name% Roadmap

  • Quarter 2, 2012

  • Start of offline business in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region (Russia) in sales and servicing specialized machinery
  • Quarter 4, 2012

  • Cooperation with the leading special purpose machinery and spare parts manufacturers such as Liebherr, Caterpillar, Komatsu, GROVE, DOOSAN, FUWA, HBM-NOBAS, TELTOMAT, EVERDIGM, SPIERINGS, FB GRU, DRESSTA, SPECO, BAUER, LEFFER, BVV, TRIASO, TRIMAN, HOLDER, ROMEA, VENIERI, G.A., Value Parts, and others.
  • Quarter 1, 2017

  • Reached a 250+ units milestone of special purpose and heavy machinery sales in 5 years.
  • Quarter 2, 2017

  • Collection, analysis, and consolidation of the global special purpose machinery market data to design the IronBlock platform.
  • Leggi di più
  • Quarter 3, 2017

  • IronBlock creation, building the team to launch the project and attract partnerships.
    Platform design drafts
  • Quarter 4, 2017

  • Pre ICO launch, platform development launch, Licensed service centers and IronBlock agents Whitelist formation, building and developing partnerships with the largest special purpose machinery owners in Russia to prepare for the local launch
  • Quarter 1, 2018

  • The ICO campaign: general sale of the IRB tokens. Development of a legal system to manage and implement the project globally. Finalization of team building
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • Platform alpha version launch in Russia. Whitelist formation and signing international partners to launch IronBlock on the key European, Asian, and other regional markets
  • Quarter 4, 2018

  • Global commercial launch after adaptation to local legislations
  • 2019

  • Scaling up and further project development, the platform launch for the related special purpose machinery and equipment sectors: freight transports, railway rolling stock, aviation industry, and other
  • 2021

  • Global IronBlock sales, leasing, service market share up to 5%
  • 2025

  • Ongoing project development with current and emerging trends of the specialized machinery and cryptocoin markets in mind. Growing IronBlock market share, in-house services expansion: logistics, financing, customs brokerage etc.

IronBlock (PreICO) Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Alexander Shikunov
non verificato
Evgeniy Shmyrin
non verificato
Alexey Gorelov
non verificato
Nikolay Pakhtusov
Technical support
non verificato
Alexey Drozdov
Design, UI/UX platforms
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

George Ternov
Сhief legal advisor of the platform
non verificato

IronBlock (PreICO) Ultime novità

5.0 8
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni


Overall, Iron Block is the ICO that plans to aid 1 trillion dollar construction industry. If the project is done well, we can see an increased count of tools being sold and machinery projects being completed. Until then, we’ll have to see how this ICO follows its roadmap!

Tech Passport Included: This gives users the ability to look at the maintenance history of a tool. It shows how much work has been completed, date, cost, and other important information.
Machinery Quality: Iron Block helps companies obtain high-quality machinery to help them complete projects. It uses smart contracts to prevent hackers and scammers from selling fake/ low-grade tools.
Valid Licenses: Iron Block has multiple types of licensing levels which are suited to help small and large machinery companies get the tools they need.

Tool Replacement: How does the system act when a tool is broken or needs to be replaced?
Competitors: How will Iron Block compare against its competitors? Will it be able to comply with brick and mortar companies in the long term?

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News, reviews

Is this a good choice for investment to you? Yes. IronBlock is a solid company. Even being a start-up, it seems that it already has a solid plan. Another positive point is that there are no red flags or lack of information on the site and all of the members of the company seem to really exist.

If you are interested in using the services of the company, purchasing tokens might be an excellent business, but it might still be good even if you are not. This is because this company has the potential to be way more valuable in the future and so will its tokens if everything goes according to IronBlock’s plan, so this could be an investment with a nice return on investment for you.

If you are interested in IronBlock, go for it. There are no reasons not to invest in this company if you are interested in its services or if you believe in its potential.

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