Sviluppo di un servizio di vendita automatizzato unico che risolverà oltre il 90% di tutti i problemi di mercato esistenti.
Ci sforziamo di realizzare un servizio di vendita n. 1 al mondo, in cui verranno presi in considerazione non solo i principali "grattacapi" dei nostri utenti, ma anche le inezie ciò contribuisce alla massima praticità nel lavorare con esso.
Esiste la possibilità di risolvere i problemi di tutti questi partecipanti al processo fornendo strumenti che funzioneranno come un singolo organismo. Come lo vediamo? Si tratta di un servizio automatizzato che unisce tutti i partecipanti e offre l'opportunità di scambiare informazioni rapidamente e in modo tempestivo. Risolviamo il problema del tracciamento degli ordini per il cliente, della circolazione dei documenti per tutti i partecipanti a causa della circolazione dei documenti elettronici e delle firme digitali elettroniche. Ogni partecipante ha il suo account personale come strumento per pianificare e condurre le sue attività, dove vengono raccolte tutte le analisi.
DB decentralizzato di tutte le transazioni e valutazioni di beni e fornitori su tecnologia blockchain.
2014 - 2016
2016 Q4 - 2017 Q2
Q2 - Q4 2017
Dec 2017 - Jan 2018
Jan - Feb 2018
Q1 2018
Q2 2018
Q3 2018
Q4 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q3 2019
Q4 2019
verificata 0%
Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team
AIDA aims to deliver mainly construction materials through its services. The supply chain of construction materials is considered as a capital-intensive industry and so the team has to take it into consideration. There are several crypto startups in logistics that already raised money(Shipchain, Slogn). For instance, ShipChain raised 30M USD in by January 2018.
The sphere AIDA is entering requires taking into consideration the country-specific characteristics of supply chain. However, the team wants to expand globally but does not provide the expansion roadmap and target countries. Currently, the MVP is not available, so it is not possible to test the product. Also, AIDA has no customers now. The team says that they will use Blockchain for a faster settlement of trades between counterparties. However, the team will use Ethereum Blockchain which is not highly scalable and can only support 15 transactions per second. The team aims to enter all CIS markets by Q4 2018 and expand to Americas in Q3 2019. However, the team has no previous experience of scaling any projects at the global level. Therefore, the provided expansion road map does not seem convincing. Also, the problem of corruption in supply chain that AIDA tries to tackle is not globally common. That is why, the team has to rethink its main goal during global expansion.
AIDA will charge its customers 1%, while the average among competitors is around 15-20%. The team does not explain how this lower level commission will lead to profitability of the project. AIDA aims to deliver mainly construction materials through its services. The supply chain of construction materials is considered as a capital-intensive industry. The team does not explain how they will avoid or optimize these costs.
The team does not clearly state how many funds they aim to raise. There is no information about neither soft cap nor hard cap. The team does not state how many tokens they will issue. AIDA will reserve 20% of tokens for the core team. This figure seems high and there is no vesting scheme for bonus.
CEO of AIDA (Nysanov Ualikhan) does not have strong previous experience in technology. Even though he has profile on LinkedIn, his previous experience is not clear. IT Director's experience (Denis Goncharenko) cannot be verified using linkedin. Several developers of the platform are still students and AIDA is their first experience. To sum up, the whole team experience is not clear and there are strong doubts that they will be able to deliver everything outlined in WP.
The main objective of this platform and its core development team is to provide its clients with an automated sales platform that is built on Ethereum blockchain technology. This platform will help clients to improve their ecommerce businesses without needing to hire services from any third party or intermediaries. The cutting-edge blockchain technology and advanced smart contracts are used for development of this secure, decentralized, and non-refundable project.
Is this company a good investment for you? It can be. Aida Service seems like a very organized company with some definitive potential to be better than it already is right now. Because of this, you will not be making a mistake if you decide to invest in this company.
We have not seen any red flags on the company’s site or any apparent danger or sign of any scam, so it looks like investing in this company is also secure.
If you liked this company, feel free to invest in it. This can bring a good return on investment to you and if you want to use it for your e-commerce business in the near future, this can be an even more interesting and profitable investment for you to make.
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