
As DeFi and yield protocols addict we were a bit disappointed by the current teams and projects out there. That’s why we decided to come up with Pyramid Nodes.

By looking at the path of the current node projects we can conclude 2 things : Teams make huge promises (and rarely make them come true) and no treasury investment had been able to maintain a protocol. That’s why Pyramid Nodes reduced drastically the sell pressure by removing the sells for the treasury, which will help MID to maintain a good price action and boost the positive impact from new investors.

As a team we think we must be honest with you despite the β€œcoutume” in the space. No matter what other team promises, in every node project there is a breaking point where the amount of nodes is too big compared to the flow of new investors. So, in addition to our built-in low sell pressure our promise is to push constant marketing in order to make this breaking point arrive the later possible.

Et voila ! You can read through the doc for further informations and here are the important dates to keep in mind πŸ˜‰:

AMA (discord) : 11th June 20:00 UTC

Launch : 12th June 18:00 UTC

Last updated