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Overall, we are neutral about the flipping potential of this ICO but like its long-term potential. Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: Neutral. The idea and team is above average, but the amount raised and current market environment makes flipping more difficult. Exchange coins (BNB, KCS, and BIX) tend to appreciate after the exchange has been operational and shows significant trading volume.
For long-term holding: Good. The market likes exchange coins (BNB at $962 million, KCS at $430 million, and BIX at $90 million). HybridBlock’s scope is broad and ambitious – stable coin, combined order books from major exchanges, and fiat ramp up can each provide substantial upside for HYB tokens. We believe it has a good chance to succeed because of the strong team and advisors.

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Midgard Research

HybridBlock has a solid team and advisors. However, the idea is not new, and there are a lot of competitors in the sphere of centralized exchange. We can see a trend towards decentralized exchanges. But still market capitalization of centralized competitors are impressive. There is justified hype about the project: 80% of the hardcap has already been raised, 25,000 people in the telegram group, and good ratings from influencers. But still the hardcap remains unreasonably too large.
Somewhat disappointingly, while the project has already released one of its betas, it does not demonstrate any blockchain technology. Hope remains, however, as they promise to release another two betas soon and to run all the components of the platform by the end of the year.

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Ian Balina

18-Mar. I passed on a Hybrid Block, we couldn't really agree on token metrics, I thought they were raising too much money, they didn't want to decrease the cap or decrease the amount the team was keeping and so much investors, so I passed on them, even though they're my friends. I mean guys it is a great project,I turned down a lot of money from Hybrid Block right, cause I'm loyal to the data.

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13-Fab. I will personally be looking into this project because I think they could position themselves to be a big competitor to coinbase.
30-May. I'm holding Hybrid Block in a long-term. It took a month or two for Binance to really jump to the level that it was. I think that Hybrid Block is definitely well positioned to potentially be the Bitfinex in Asia or maybe even the Coinbase in Asia. Link

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ICO Drops

23-May. We don`t have plans to participate.

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Crypto Calibur
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