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There are several Blockchain projects that do not have the same features as Origin Protocol but aim to create similar products and already gained public attention and raised money, such as District0x and Openbazar. District0x, which creates a network of decentralized markets and communities, has already raised 10M USD during ICO last August. The market of protocols seems to be heavily dependent on the "first-mover advantage", as the protocols will grow faster if they are unified and comply with the current solutions on the market.

The team aims to create a complex product which requires vast amount of resources. That is why the feasibility of all the proposed features is unclear. Origin Protocol will have to compete with large, established marketplaces across different industries. It is unclear if the team will be able to scale the project so that it will be possible to compete with companies like Airbnb, Fiverr or Uber. Origin aims to expand its services globally but does not focus on any particular markets. As the prices will be shown in fiat currencies but will be paid in crypto, which is way more volatile than the former one, it may lead to price differences. This can harm the customer experience. The given roadmap is not enough detailed and only highlights some of the product development stages.

As the platform will require participants to deposit small amounts of token before creating a new listing or user profile, it might lower the attractiveness of the platform for the early users. As the users might be penalized if they falsely challenge legitimate listings or accounts, it may also decrease the attractiveness of the platform. There is no information on how Origin Protocol will earn its money, so the commercial viability of the platform is not clear.

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Ian Balina

Based on the current token metrics they had, I'll be passing on it.

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Overall, we are neutral about the flipping of this ICO but like its long-term potential. Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: Neutral. The timeline of releasing the tokens has not been publicly announced, and it could be a while before tokens are distributed and tradable. This makes the project not suitable for a quick turnaround.
For long-term holding: Good. We like the idea of the project and believe it has a good chance to succeed because of the strong team that leads it. With over 30 projects already lining up to use Origin Protocol, the tokens is expected to have strong usage once those dApps are launched.

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ICO Drops

10 Mar: They have 21 thousand people in their telegram group, in spite of the fact that they don’t market themselves much. Origin Protocol is top project for now. We are waiting for them to publish token metrics and then it will be very high. Bee token, Kenya, We trust, Propy and other projects are all built on Origin Protocol, by the way, Thrive is also going to be built on the Origin Protocol.
16 Mar: We are waiting for token metrics. There may be community sale or airdrop. Depending on metrics they can be given “Very High” rating.
25 Mar: Crush Crypto has published review on Origin Protocol, and they put neutral for flip, however they put good for long term. However, I think that project may be very successful. There are a lot of projects that are built on Origin Protocol and they did collect a ton of money. But we are waiting for info about cap.
16-Apr: Andrey: Origin is a Market place, marketplaces do not have big ROI.
Alexey: Origin is the project in which I wouldn`t invest much.
Sergey: I don`t invest in marketplaces, it is very long term.
27-Apr: Ivan: They develop very fast. Famous funds have participated in their strategic round. They have partnerships with more than 45 projects.
3-May. There is no info about crowdsale. It might be an airdrop. It is a candidate for Very High. Team is Top, real superstars. But it is not clear about crowdsale.

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Midgard Research

The team members have experience in launching tech companies. The project has solid advisors from Pantera Capital, who are advising a bunch of successful ICOs. Over 30 projects have already claimed that they will use Origin protocol, and the Demo DApp is already available. However, tokens will be distributed no earlier than Q3 2018, the field is highly competitive and the decentralized competitors are modestly evaluated by the market. In order to compete with centralized competitors, the project would need to raise sufficient funds. The score will be updated once the token metrics are published (no info on hard cap yet).​

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2-May. Good project and partnerships with a MVP, but i am passing it due to high cup. Dont understand how the value of tokens appreciate.

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ICO Pantera

1. Among the projects related to the shared economy, there is no stronger project than ORIGIN.
2. Strong institutional investors, strong team members, strong hype
3. Numerous partners already exist and the roadmap is fast.
A complementary point
1. In the end, a lot of people need to participate in a successful structure
2. It is doubtful whether the existing shared economy industry will keep an eye on it.

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Wolf Crypto

-Origin is a protocol for creating sharing economy peer-to-peer, decentralized marketplaces. The protocols are used for user identity, reputation, listings, dispute management, and to allow buyers and sellers to meet, communicate, and transact.
Origin Protocol aims to make it easy for their partners and users to build DApps and create businesses and wants to ultimately serve as a central hub to access all listings.
- Roadmap is nice and tight. Demo already out (demo.originprotocol.com), mainnet launch Q3 and partners ready to push out DApps. Partner list unfortunately reads as who is who of failed projects approaching meme status level such as CanYa (it cannot), PROPY, Bee and WeTrust, but there is also NuCypher - and any adoption in this space takes it head and shoulders above the rest. Sharing economy is made for blockchain. It may never succeed, but Origin Protocol is the best try we will have before Uber, Airbnb, Fiverr, or Craigslist decide to enter the space and do their own thing.
- Token is an ERC20 and will be used as currency for all transactions built on the protocol. 3rd party marketplaces can create their own token, in which case the Origin Protocol will be used for arbitration and reputation mechanisms. To drive adoption users will be rewarded for using the platform and referring new users with the size or rewards deflating with time. From the platform setup, part of their partner CanYa, Bee,.. token values will be absorbed by the Origin Protocol token value - although those tokens have not been in the same sentance with 3 iterations of the word "value" for a long time.
- Team is diverse and competent. Matthew Liu is ex-Google, Qwiki (acquired by Yahoo) and Bonobos (acquired by Walmart). Joshua Fraser wore many hats and had CEO and CTO positions at innovative and tech oriented companies. Rest of the team has experience on blockchain projects, game design, machine learning, business development... and working in Dropbox, Paypal, Google,.. Investors (who are these days taking the role of "advisors") include Pantera ($3M), BlockTower, FBG, Hashed, Spartan, Kenetic.... "Organic liquidity" and "getting recognized by exchanges because of quality of code" should be assured.
- Max presale bonus in earlier rounds (total of $28.5M) was 42%, and the current round for only accredited investors is 10% ($6.6M). Tokens will be locked up for 1 year from the purchase date OR 3 months after platform launch, but will be usable on platform during lock. If no mainsale happens - max effective bonus will be 30%. If ALL tokens unlock at the same time 3 months after token unlock - it might get messy. If you were not in earlier rounds, this does not seem like a good flipping opportunity. But we don't care, we are in it for the tech, eh?

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Crypto Calibur
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Origin is a company trying to interrupt monopoly of centralized marketplaces and transfer them to decentralized commerce. The company suggests a win-win decision for both buyers and sellers by lowering the transaction fees, bringing transparency and mutual trust, and decreasing unnecessary regulation. Origin has already established partnerships with several dozens of companies that have made a decision to build business on the Origin platform. This long list of partners is a proof the idea is working. So let’s sum up the project components – a good ambitious idea, excellent team, perspective market, lots of partners, and progress that matches the roadmap. Our prediction for Origin is positive, we recommend that you take a closer look at the project.
Origin Protocol is a solid attempt to transition traditional centralized types of businesses from e-commerce to decentralized commerce.

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Strength and Opportunities:
Origin is targeting the margins of sharing economy platforms such as Uber, AirBnB or Upwork. These platforms often charge fees of 20% or more for their service. One of the main promises of blockchain technology is to eliminate the middleman. Origin is working exactly on this promise. In the context of Origin it is obvious why using the blockchain makes sense. Advantages of the blockchain technology are better visible compared to other ICO projects. There won’t be a single point of failure in the Origin architecture since it is build on a distributed and trustless network instead of a centralized provider such as Amazon Web Services. Risks associated with the implementation of the projects are significantly lower than for other ICO projects that often do not go beyond a white paper. In this case Origin counts already with a solid and transparent github track record.
Weaknesses and Threats:
Since the project has raised already a lot of funds prior to the public sale there is a risk that early investors will dumb the token shortly after the ICO and realize profits, which could negatively impact the performance for ICO investors. There is no guarantee that successful marketplaces that will be build on the blockchain use the Origin protocol. Instead they may develop their own protocols to directly engage with blockchain platforms such as Ethereum.
Origin counts with a solid, experienced team, a good investor base and a well thought out idea. The current market conditions are difficult for ICOs. Nevertheless, since Origin has a very strong profile it may result in a positive surprise. Origin is betting on the Ethereum platform and its success will be tied to the success of the Ethereum. This ICO is first and foremost an opportunity for all the ETH lovers that believe in the success of Ethereum. As of today Ethereum is the most advanced and decentralized smart contract platform, with the highest market valuation and the biggest number of developers.

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