Litecash is the first fork off the reputable and highly privatized and secure BEAM network. Litecash has no pre-mine or dev reward which results in a fair launch. Beam is centralized due to the influence of its creators, which is why this new fork allows the Litecash community to make its own development choices in the future. This is very important to achieve the goal of being a fully decentralized privacy coin that keeps your financials safe and secure. Other privacy coins lack what Litecash offers: high speeds, one of the lowest transaction fees, and a coin supply that is better suited for utility use in everyday transactions. Litecash is community funded and maintained by dedicated developers that hold Litecash purchased at open market value. With no pre-mine or founder’s rewards, Litecash ensures fair practices and no manipulation by its creators, which is very hard to find with other cryptocurrencies. Being community funded and supported, the community is incentivized to raise the value of Litecash. This is crucial for continued growth of the project as well as the holders of $CASH. The value of $CASH will be dictated by true supply and demand rather than market manipulation.
The Litecash mission is to provide what today’s cryptocurrency enthusiast craves. Fast, stable, cheap, secure, fair and most importantly, PRIVATE transactions. The Litecash community believes privacy is a fundamental right. As the world continues to evolve and become completely digitized, intrusive surveillance technologies will soon be able to monitor all aspects of our daily lives. Privacy should not just be for large institutions and “elites” of the world who are shielded by big banks. Everyone deserves and should have the right to private transactions. Litecash mimics the privacy of physical fiat cash but is optimized for the digitized world. Privacy, safety, security, and speed are priceless, and will remain so for the years to come
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