Smart contracts are the core component to determine the content ownership in the entire ecosystem of DragonVein. The authorization to play a digital content can vary depending on the region, time, and so on, all of which make it possible to work with non-falsified smart contracts.
Through a perfect blockchain incentive system, every user can get the benefit of shared storage and traffic through a peer-to-peer distributed storage network. At the same time, Dragonvein based on distributed storage network also has the advantage of being more efficient and economical than traditional CDN distribution networks, saving up to 60% of traffic distribution costs.
The VR technology providers will provide creator a set of creation kit free of charge. Creators have done is to create and publish the content using the creation kit provided by the VR technology provider. We will give the VR technology providers and VR content makers certain TOKEN based on the purchase, playback and other parameters of the fingerprinted content.
NFT is the future of digital content, the 2.0 version of DragonVein’s intellectual property management, and digital content is also an asset. Therefore, the function of trading is added to all digital assets in DragonVein ecosystem, and the functional module that carries the trading of digital assets is the NFT market.
With a personalized learning system, artificial intelligence can be powerful in logical fields such as math, science, and programming. All processes of sending and receiving feedback with artificial intelligence are recorded on the DragonVein blockchain. This record provides an objective diagnosis of an individual’s characteristics and strengths, and based on this, artificial intelligence could advise or decides the individual’s career path.
Each DxBox have a bulit-in DVC account, or users can import a existed account.Sharing LAN idle computing power, bandwidth and storage through DvBox, users will obtain the DVC as reward.
As a unified currency of the Dragon Vein, DVC can be used to trade, rent and purchase content within the ecosystems, as well as customize your favorite content. DVC can be used to complete the distribution and promotion of VR content, intellectual property trading, intellectual property ownership confirmation, equipment trading, etc.
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