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Coindaily ICO se concentre sur le marché principal du projet de chaîne de blocs et décide de fournir des services personnalisés spécifiques au projet pour la diffusion d'informations, les consultants en décision d'investissement, les investisseurs et les parties prenantes du projet. Notre objectif est de fournir aux utilisateurs une plate-forme conviviale, ouverte et interactive de services intégrés au marché primaire, contribuant à la prospérité et au développement du secteur de la chaîne de blocs.
31 janv. 2019
28 févr. 2019
100% terminé
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Oui , de Aug 1, 2018
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Sur Coindaily

Coindaily est dédié au marché principal des projets de blockchain et est déterminé à fournir un guichet unique de diffusion d’informations, de conseil en décision d’investissement, de services de suivi post-investissement et d’autres services personnalisés destinés aux investisseurs et aux parties prenantes. Notre objectif est de fournir aux utilisateurs une plate-forme de services intégrée conviviale, ouverte et interactive sur le marché primaire, apportant ainsi notre propre contribution à la prospérité et au développement de l'industrie de la blockchain.

% name% roadmap

  • 2018/09

  • Project Information Platform Launch
  • 2018/10

  • “Rocket Schedule” (ICO Information Display) Launch
  • 2018/11

  • Project Rating Notification Launch & Advertisement System Launch
  • 2018/12

  • Establishment of Community Leaders, Project Parties, and User
    Networks & Foreign Language Platform Launch
  • Lire la suite
  • 2019/04

  • Launch of Platform Wallet
  • 2019/07

  • Project Comprehensive Rating System Launch & Investment
    Graph System Launch
  • 2019/10

  • Projects Lab Launch
  • 2020

  • Public Chain

Coindaily Équipe

Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Han Jiang Xue
non vérifié


$26 400 000

Zhou, Shuoji (Vincen...
Founding Partner
non vérifié
Kenji Sasaki
Next Chymia Consulting
non vérifié
Da Kong Yi
non vérifié

Coindaily Dernières nouvelles

5.0 11
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

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Crypto Calibur

CoinDaily is not a conventional ICO, and is neither a protocol nor a DApp. It is a centralized business that links the company’s performance to a token. The platform is still in the early stages of development, so it will be interesting to see whether it can attract users once it is completely functional. The large community base and its good reputation in Asia should help the project grow. The hardcap is fairly small, so we believe the team should not have any issues reaching it. As the majority of the tokens would be locked upon the initial release, it is an ideal candidate for a quick flip. Investments from huge VCs and partnerships with Binance and OKex also makes this project lucrative for investors. However, it must be noted that CoinDaily has not yet produced an MVP, and their main audience is based in China, where regulations on cryptocurrencies are being tightened. This may result in a loss of potential users of the platform.

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Strength and Opportunities:
Coindaily is already active in the business of providing information about ICO projects. The platform was able to attract significant amounts of users to its channels and we can assume that this will be the case for the future. As the market recovers and a new bull market emerges more people will become interested in this space again and seek high quality information.
Weaknesses and Threats:
Today it is not yet clear whether this kind of platform which Coindaily is running is suited for performing an ICO. It remains to be seen whether this ICO approach can work out for traditional companies as well. Coindaily seems to be an early pioneer in this field and we will learn soon whether these experiments will be successful in the market.
Coindaily is not a conventional ICO. It is neither a protocol nor a decentralized app. It is more a traditional business that is active in the blockchain space in a similar way as Binance and KuCoin are. Just as Binance and KuCoin, Coindaily has decided to link the company performance to a token. So far this has worked out pretty well for Binance, which by many measures is considered the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. Investors need to take this different nature of the platform into account when making their investment decisions.

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  • En raison des différences temporelles dans les mises à jour des informations, des informations précises sur chaque projet ICO doivent être vérifiées sur son site web officiel ou via un autre canal de communication.
  • Cette information n'est pas une suggestion ou un conseil pour investir dans un financement ICO. Veuillez examiner vous-même les informations pertinentes et décider de la participation de l’OIC.
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