Traditionally options give you a right but not an obligation to buy (CALL) or sell (PUT) something (UNDERLYING) at a given price (STRIKE). We need a simple example. Let’s go bananas. You can buy bananas options that tell you that you can buy (CALL) bananas at $5 per bunch. $5 is the STRIKE price. Bananas are the UNDERLYING.
Now, we use words PUT and CALL that are very specific to options because it would be a bit confusing to say ‘I buy an option to buy bananas’ or ‘I buy an option to sell bananas’. Instead, we say ‘I buy a CALL option on bananas’ and ‘I buy a PUT option on bananas’.
So, you may own (HOLD) a PUT option at $5 STRIKE which means that if you have bananas then you can PUT them into the market at $5 a bunch even if the market at the given time buys bananas for $3 a bunch.
If you HOLD a CALL option on bananas, then you can call the market and ask them to deliver bananas to you for $5 a bunch even if everyone else has to pay $7 a bunch.
Now, after you buy an option then we say that you HOLD it. When you sell (or rather create) an option we say that you WRITE it.
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