
What is Stake DAO?

Stake DAO is a non-custodial platform that enables anyone to easily grow their crypto portfolio. It is built on top of decentralized blockchain protocols, offering a seamless way for people to grow, track, and control assets right from their wallet. As a project, we aim to allow anyone with any level of knowledge of crypto to have easy access to the market’s most competitive products and strategies.

How does Stake DAO work?

Stake DAO curates the top strategies, staking protocols, and more, into one intuitive dashboard, offering users an easy way to earn more from their assets. Every strategy has a carefully weighted risk score, enabling everyone to participate on their own terms and risk appetites. From strategies based on stablecoins to Bitcoin and a comprehensive range of ERC-20 tokens, our platform has everything users need to secure higher returns on their crypto.

With this in mind, we have made Stake DAO as intuitive and easy to use as possible. To start earning, a user only needs to select a strategy and deposit the corresponding token.

All of our products are built first and foremost to benefit our community, which is why all of Stake DAO’s strategies earn rewards not only for end-users but for anyone that contributes to our platform. To implement this, Stake DAO takes a 15% performance fee on every strategy. The entirety of the remaining 85% is distributed to the users, compounding automatically in their chosen strategy’s underlying asset. As an additional revenue stream for our community, Stake DAO administers a 0.5% withdrawal fee when users remove their assets from a given strategy and distributes all proceeds back to veSDT holders.

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