

Due to the transparent nature of public blockchains, Decentralised Finance (Defi) assets are often subjected to monitoring and cybercrime. Investors and yield farmers risk losing competitive advantages by having their transactions monitored, techniques reverse engineered, and getting front run.

SecureSwap protocol is here to help. We offer our users with swappable, collateralized anonymized digital assets that utilizes state of the art blockchain technology.

With an innovative “Privacy Price” discovery system, users may create zero knowledge digital assets by depositing crypto from any blockchain into SecureSwap vaults and utilising them in a variety of DeFi apps within the ecosystem.

Why stake with us

No Whitelist, No Private Sale, No PreSale

No Founder's Tokens

No RugPull Migrator Code

100% Fair launch on Pancakeswap

🚀Definitely Early to Buy


💳 SecureSwap Wallet

SecureSwap Wallet is a browser-based privacy-enhanced wallet. It prevents the recycling of addresses, enables private connections to Binance DeFi, and is used for voting on governance.

💱 Liquidity Providers

Liquidity Providers, also known as Privacy miners, are rewarded in SecureSwap tokens for providing privacy wrapping for SecureSwap Protocol to anonymize transactions and assets.

SecureSwap Smart Contract

Autonomous, Non-Custodial smart contracts act as decentralized custodians for collateralization of digital assets.

🤖 Price Oracle

The marginal price offered by SecureSwap (not including fees) can be computed by dividing the reserves of asset a by the reserves of asset b. Since arbitrageurs will trade with SecureSwap if this price is incorrect (by a sufficient amount to make up for the fee), the price offered by SecureSwap tends to track the relative market price of the assets. This means it can be used as an approximate price oracle.

Last updated