KittyKoin is a fair launch, decentralized token with admin keys burned. ## Any-Use Token ## Although some may call Kittykoin a memetoken or a store of value, we see KittyKoin as an "any-use token". Everyone can use it for any reason: - Any project (including any person or business) may request their users to burn KittyKoin to encourage or limit certain behaviors. - Any project can burn tokens to advertise, send a message, or simply for fun. KittyKoin has a burning leaderboard to encourage the community to burn coins. This leaderboard can serve as an advertising for projects. ## Fair launch ## KittyKoin was founded, launched and had its admin keys burned by Katrina, the Queen of Kittens (the Kittykoin Admin Account at 0xb5Fd25281a0277E02eAdFF2Ae6E789602C97b09f). The KittyKoin Admin account did not profit from the launch and will never profit as her admin keys are burned. The launch process was: - The KittyKoin minted 10,000,000,000 KittyKoins. The token smart contract guarantees that the max supply can never increase. - The KittyKoin Admin placed all these tokens in the Uniswap Liquidity Provider (LP) pool for distribution. The KittyKoin Admin then made its pools permanent by burning its LP tokens. - These Uniswap LP pools offer permanent liquidity and support levels for KittyKoin. See the LP pool distribution and support schedule below. ## Permanent Distribution and Support Pools ## Levels of release and support for KittyKoin are: - 20% of supply distributed at a market cap (fully diluted) of 30 to 300 ETH. - 20% of supply distributed at a market cap (fully diluted) of 300 to 3K ETH. - 20% of supply distributed at a market cap (fully diluted) of 3K to 30K ETH. - 20% of supply distributed at a market cap (fully diluted) of 30K to 300K ETH. - 20% of supply distributed at a market cap (fully diluted) of 30K to 3 million ETH. These LP Uniswap pools exist indefinitely to provide price liquidity and price support. ## Support KittyKoin! ## Katrina recommends that supporters of KittyKoin form support groups. It’s up to the KittyKoin community now!