Bitcoin Bank
5 min readJul 17, 2022

After about 6 months of having this project planned, we feel that it is the perfect time to launch. Why? Well 2 of the 4 team members here have been doing technical analysis on charts for a combined 15 years (both very young still) and both very early Bitcoin adopters and Maxis! (Cry about it) What we know: a new cycle is coming. What else: We know in every cycle Bitcoin will be the first one to run and everything will follow! Why are we telling you this? Well, we are tired of quick pump and dump schemes. This entire project came to fruition believe it or not with our hate for shitcoins (sorry degens). We believe shitcoins to be lottery tickets. And although technically Bitcoin Bank is a shitcoin we wanted to make this more of a savings account for people getting brutally rekt on scams daily. Bitcoin Bank will be a tax token (eww but let us explain) Bitcoin bank will be a 10% tax coin (7% auto reflections of bitcoin with every BUY AND SELL you will slowly accumulate Bitcoin in your wallet. At Bitcoin Bank we like to look at this as your checking account. Maybe you can gamble on other shitcoins. I personally suggest you don’t 🤷🏽, you can reinvest it in Bitcoin Bank. NFA. Or maybe your low on cash and those 10 dollars can be thrown on a debit card for a burger, some fries or maybe gas (price of gas is insane). Okay I get it auto reflections. Cool it’s been done. Here is where we wanna help degens gain a little stability in their trading career if they hodl Bitcoin Bank. So where do the 3% reflections go to then?

MAXI WALLET: The biggest reason our team has waited 6 months to launch this project is because we all had a huge feeling that bitcoin had topped for the cycle. (No one is perfect. I was calling for 75k top personally) How in the hell did Richard Heart call the exact day and price. Now back to the Maxi wallet, this is what we at Bitcoin Bank call your savings account. Maxi wallet will be a team-controlled wallet receiving 3% reflection of Bitcoin on every buy and sell! This wallet will be untouched from the second we launch until exactly one year later . At exactly the one-year mark (to the minute) we will snapshot a list of holders. We will distribute the entire MAXI Wallet to every single holder on the list based on TIMEHODL (1% Boost on rate for each month held) 12 months would be a 12% boost compared to last minute buyers (HODLING IS IMPORTANT HERE) TIMEHODL X Number of tokens (we will have a rank system in place based on largest holding to smallest.

For example: If you own 2% of the tokens you would receive 1.65% of the MAXI WALLET pot multiplied by time of hodl boost.

Why am I receiving 1.65% instead of 2% if I own 2% of tokens?

In order for us to reward our holders with their boost and make sure the project is financially sufficient (not like Luna, or defi pools) we must clearly take the money from somewhere in the protocol. The .35% will be used to reward the hodl boost . Just imagine stacking sats this low on every bit of volume for a year at this low bear market price! All you must do is Hodl until the snapshot is taken and you will receive an enormous stack of sats. Join us on our journey while having peace of mind while being able to spend your checking account (auto reflections) and your savings account (Maxi wallet).

BITBOYS (Private sale available to the public) before we launch, we want to make sure we can get 20 BitBoys. These will be 20 wallets which will be blacklisted from ever selling Bitcoin Bank Coins! (BBC). These 20 Bitboy Wallets will allow us to always hold a strong floor! What are the perks of being a bitboy? As a Bitboy you will secure a 1% wallet for 1 BNB (we believe that eventually a 1% wallet will cost upwards of 100 BNB at some point. You will earn 1% x (timehodl) x 15% boost to maxi wallet collections at the end of year. REMEMBER Bitboys will be blacklisted from selling but will receive every single auto reward for the moment we trade until the moment we reach 365 days.

We will be opening a list soon for the remaining spots on the bit squad !!! Please contact

Or join or telegram !

How will presale work ?

We will be opening 20 slots that are blacklisted from selling . These people will be given bonuses throughout the year out of our bonus/buyback wallet .

The best value here will be a presale wallet 👟!


20% private sale (unsellable)

7% airdrop wallet (also random burns at milestones)

23% burned at launch

4% team ( there will be two 2% wallets) one will be locked for 3 months. The other will be locked for 6 months.

10% future liquidity (all bitcoin earned in this wallet will be sold periodically to add liquidity in future drops) these tokens will never be sold.

36% liquidity ! These numbers



Phase one : 1) fill all private sale spots

2. KYC with a respectable company

3. Build a community of loyal holders

4. Reach 1 million market cap

5. Cmc and Cg application.

This road map will be updated periodically to add new items !

PRESALE FUNDS ! Each presale spot will be one bnb ! Collected from 20 wallets (you can ask for 4 spots max)

We will personally pick who wins spots as technically all 20 were taken by partners who decided to leave spots for the community !

The funds will be split in such manner 13–16 bnb will be used as starting liquidity . 4–7 bnb will be used for marketing on the day of launch ! Please join us !!! If you are a dapp developer we would also love to talk to you!

Email :

Twitter : @bitcoinbankcoin

Phone number: (908) 693–9042 please on text as we will block anyone who calls without prior knowledge or meeting!

Presale 1: 1 bnb for 1% these will be wallets our team will check through and make sure there is recent activity and not a newly created wallet trying to gain another spot !

Presale 2: if pre sale one gets filled we will have a second presale starting instantaneously after presale one . This will be open to anyone in the public . We will drop the wallet address and the first 20 people to send 1 bnb will receive .60% of the coin ! Thankyou and join us on our mission to financial freedom !

Day 1 of 365: Becoming the top ranked reward coin!

Launch went as expected, rough !!! Hahaha but the dev came through in 15 minutes and made it the best launch with absolutely no bots!! We have announced a partnership with s3ek token after kyc’ing with their awesome platform! Thank you to all presale buyers! You will be rewarded!

