ICOholder 4.06
Content on this page was provided by the TripLeverage team

Business Travel

Fair Launch ILO on Unicrypt 23 Aug 100% revenue buy and burn
Existing company with revenue
TripLeverage is a Business Travel platform where you can book a business trip and earn tokens in the process. With our reward program we will drive employees and business owners to sign up their business by rewarding them for each booking made while also benefiting the TripLeverage community as 100% of the net-revenue is used to buy and burn tokens from the market.

Main advantages

Existing Company

We are already existing company
with 100k+ revenue

Fair Launch ILO on Unicrypt

Fair Launch ILO on Unicrypt with
100% max supply sold at ILO

50% revenue Cashback

50% revenue cashback in TripLeverage token and
50% revenue for buy and burn

Deflationary token

10% transaction tax with reflection, marketing,
salary and burn


Audited by QuillAudits, KYC by Solidproof,
incubated by BitBook

Proven Model

$2.90 per $1.00 ROI of corporate Travel

New concept of travel

TripLeverage aims to bring to the business travelers a new concept of travel providing a better and a more secure experience and for the companies we work with, a refined and improved travel management using our strategic partner TravelPerk technology to deliver the worlds largest amount of flights, accommodations and transportation options available in the market along with the best customer service for every customer, everyday, at anytime, all year along.

All our services are completely free for businesses to use, they can sign-up for free and only pay when they actually book a trip. When using TripLeverage you get the exclusive benefit of getting back 1% of all money spent on trips (bought from the market) in tokens. Another 1% is used to buy and burn tokens from the market, increasing the value of the token for all token holders long term. This 2% is the total revenue TripLeverage makes on each booking.

100% of our existing customer base net-revenue will be used to buy and burn TripLeverage Tokens from the market, therefore there will be a natural buying pressure on the token from day 1.

Explore More 

Sales Information

Sales date
23 August on Unicrypt untill 5 September
  • Amount of tokens being sold 120 million
    (100% max supply)
  • Price: 23,050 TLT / per BNB
  • 3,450 BNB Hardcap
Buy now

We are proud to be
incubated by BitBook

BitBook is the travel platform where people can book accommodation and earn tokens in the process:
  • Providing a passive income to users that create and share travel content.
  • Built with a focus on scalable growth where everyone benefits.

What does it mean for

  • Funding for creation of smart contract
  • Funding for auditing of smart contract
  • Funding for initial marketing and community building
  • Guaranteeing KYC, Team doxxing and security for ensuring no scam/rugpull/honey pot or other unfortunate things that we see often in Crypto
  • Making it possible to do a proper Fair Launch
  • Access to the Crypto network of BitBook founders, giving us better Exchange listing chances, marketing opportunities etc
  • 0 Tokens will be given to BitBook members in any shape or form
  • Direct Marketing to the 10,000+ BitBook wallet holders and their 1,7 million crypto community
  • Direct Marketing as partner on the new BitBook website, driving new leads and new revenue opportunities
  • Strategic Partnership providing us future growth opportunities
  • Directly engaged BitBook community to instantly have a large audience
  • Advisory from previous KuCoin Exchange leaders who now run BitBook a large Travel crypto company

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TripLeverage ILO Explanation video (full)-1