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GEMS is the world’s first Esports 3.0 aggregator platform bridging Web 2 gamers to Web 3. Our O2O ecosystem offers unique activities and solutions for gamers to play, support, learn, connect and immerse themselves through online and offline gaming activities.
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About TheGems

GameFi. Esports. Metaverse. SocialFi.

GEMS is an Esports 3.0 aggregator platform within an O2O ecosystem. It propels Esports into 3.0 by integrating Gamefi, Metaverse and Socialfi elements, and leverages on its founding partners' chain of Esports hotels.

GEMS leverages our online platform with our offline presence. Online refers to GEMS platform, which is an eSports NFT Social Sharing Portal.

Offline refers to our hotel network across Asia, with Southeast Asia as the initial footstep. Project is proudly backed by LABS Group X Arena Esports Hotel X Game One, which are working together to expand our business in operating eSports hotels. By year 3, GEMS will able to own 50 offline touch points (owed hotels, hotel partnerships), which will reach 2,733,000 people in-residence.

GEMS Ecosystem

GEMS ecosystem consists of 4 major components:
• GameFi
• Esports
• Metaverse
• SocialFi

Under the 4 components, GEMS will create 5 enablers:
• NFT Marketplace
• DeFi Union
• Play-to-Earn Arena
• Dao Guild
• FanFi Studio

TheGems Roadmap

  • Q3/22

  • NFT Marketplace | Phase 1 Production.

    GEMS Community Platform | Phase 1 - Production.

    P2E Arena | Phase 1 - Production.

    GEMS Fantasy Leagues | Phase 1 (Predictions) - Production.

    GEMS Minicade | Phase 1 - Quick fire Arcade style Games to win GEMS.

    GEMS Gamefi Review Site - Latest Gamefi Reviews and countdowns.
  • Q4/22

  • P2E Arena | Phase 2 - Enhancement.

    FanFi Studio | Phase 1 - Production .

    GameFi Review | Phase 1 - Production.

    DAO Guild Platform Production | Phase 1 - Production.

    DEFI Union - Staking Pools.

    NFT Bridge powered by Arcade Network.
  • Q1/23

  • FanFi Studio | Phase 2 - Enhancement.

    FanFi Academy | Phase 1 - Production.

    FanFi Talent Agency | Phase 1 - Production.

    Blockchain Gaming Tournaments.
  • Q2/23

  • DeFi Union | Phase 2 - Enhancement.

TheGems Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Andy Koh
Chief Executive Officer

23 ICOs

$8 750 000

Tracy Sheriden
Tra My Angel
Yuen Wong

TheGems Last News

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