RKG exchange

RKG exchange

Created using Figma
RKG exchange is a global market place to trade: M&A, Real Estate, Projects, Valuable Assets. RKG exchange power by Blockchain technology & Smart contracts help buyers and sellers quickly find the property and trade with Simple – Effective – Safe – Secure – Global
To be announced
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
12% Founder
5% Marketing
10% Employee
25% Distributed Angel Invest
48% Distributed on market
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Exchange

About RKG exchange

RKG exchange is based on the Blockchain technology & smart contract to build global market
place. RKG is an exchange of ideas, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), project purchase and sale,
real estate trading, valuable asset trading...
With the application of blockchain technology and smart contracts, the RKG exchange helps to
simplify the processes and ensure transparency, security and efficiency in transactions.
When use smart contracts, agreements will be automatically executed when the conditions are
met, helping to ensure more accuracy and simplicity in the M&A process, as well as the transfer
of projects, real estate and assets.
By tokenizing the value of products and services, the conversion to transfer is secure and fast
on a global scale.
When tokenization of assets, the company can raise capital individually for different projects,
different products and services.
Individual investors can contribute capital to each project or contribute capital to RKG.

RKG exchange Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Nguyễn Tấn Tâm
Founder CEO
Nguyễn Trí Cường
Chuyên Gia BĐS
Trịnh Minh Hải
Chuyên Gia BĐS
Steven Tuan Mai
Head of Sales
Mai Hoàng Phúc Tài
Contract CTO
Nguyễn Đặng Trường V...
M&A Director
Phan Đình Phúc
Нead of Investor

RKG exchange Last News

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