Giuffri (GIUFF)

Giuffri (GIUFF)

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Giuffri is project of cryptocurrencies exchanger platform, we foucused to build modern crypto Market with many feature and benefit to trader.

Giuffri wil provide many features for traders like: basic trading panel and Advanced trading panel, fast and reliable customer service, support many cryptocurrencies, the lowest trading fee.
Token sale
Sep 1, 2021
Dec 31, 2028
47% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Jun 16, 2021
Aug 31, 2021
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Ticker: GIUFF
Type: Cryptocurrency
Token standard: ERC20
Token price in EUR: 1 GIUFF = 0,001 EUR
Token price in ETH: 1 GIUFF = 0,000000464472 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details

About Giuffri (GIUFF)

Blockchain technologies are ushering in a revolutionary change to traditional internet computing paradigms. While the internet allowed for the nearly-free and nearly-instant transfer of information, blockchains will allow for the nearly-free and nearly-instant transfer of value, paving the way for native currencies on the world wide web. Similar to how the internet disrupted traditional media companies (television networks, newspapers, and radio), blockchain technology will disrupt traditional financial institutions such as banks, loan providers, accounting firms, and so forth. We have already seen the seeds of this disruption take root in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects.

At the time of this writing, there is more than $50 billion locked in various DeFi protocols. The rapid adoption of these nascent projects is a testament to how powerful the technology is, and still only a glimpse of what is to come. But decentralized financial applications are just the beginning.

Smart contracts enable a shift in programming paradigms, allowing the automation of almost everything from legal contracts, to the promise of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), to the proliferation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and so much more. However, in order for these protocols to function properly for the end-user, access to timely and accurate deep blockchain data is critical.

While blockchain data is purported to be public, deep, granular, and historical blockchain data is prohibitively difficult to access, especially at the speed and detail that modern end-users expect from their user experience.

The giuffri Network solves this problem while maintaining the decentralized ethos of blockchains, ensuring that deep, granular, and historical blockchain data is always accessible, ultimately providing true transparency and visibility into the future of digital assets.

The giuffri Network is a global co-op for blockchain data beginning with the provisioning of deep, granular, and historical blockchain data accessed through a unified API. Validators across the globe will act as points of presence (PoP) that will be rewarded for serving query requests from data consumers for their end-users. Penalties, or slashing, occurs when there are malicious actors in the network, or when inaccurate data is provided.

Once all blockchain data is indexed, giuffri will begin to allow the ability to optionally join enterprise private data with public, blockchain data. Lastly, giuffri's software developer kit (SDK) will be available for all developers to address the long-tail of use-cases with this rich data set.

Giuffri (GIUFF) Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Gaetano Giuffrida
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