

Created using Figma
Welcome to the restless Universe where everything is owned by players, ensured on a distributed ledger enhanced by a revolutionary cNFT protocol.
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About Farsite

Farsite is a blockchain-powered sandbox MMO RTS game with elements of adventure in a sci-fi setting based on a post-apocalyptic story.

Every item in the game is created by a player using materials found by a player. Production requires a Blueprint, Components, a Base on a Planet and some Credits. Components are made from Resources those can be found on Asteroids and Planets or purchased from other players.

Every item in the game is location-dependent. That means if a Resource was mined on an Asteroid it shall be hauled to a production site or a station to be used or traded.

All the items in Farsite universe are owned by players and could be traded freely on the open market. Ownership rights are ensured by the blockchain where every item is a token (NFT) stored in player's digital wallet.

Ship Hulls and Modules are the tokens created using a cNFT protocol with Credits locked inside. That allows staking 'em against loans in Credits and grants insurance for wrecked Ships.

Credits is the major and the only in-game currency. Almost every operation in the game requires Credits to be performed. Credits can be converted to FAR tokens (ERC-20) any time at 1 FAR = 1'000 Credits ratio. That ratio is hardcoded in smart contracts and will never be changed. FAR tokens could be used to receive the corresponding amount of Credits with the same ratio.

Farsite Roadmap

  • Phase I.

  • ☑Game Design Document
    ☑Cinematic Trailer
  • Phase II.

  • ☑Hangar & Modules Fitting
    ☑First Edition Crates Sale
    ☑Airdrops Campaign
    ☑Ships Demo Station
  • Phase III.

  • ☑Interactive Starmap
    ☑Sectors Details & Pricing
    ☑Burn cNFT to release Crеdits
    ☑Sectors Acquisition
  • Phase IV.

  • ☑Farsite Pre-Alpha
    ☑Internal Marketplace
    ☑Gates Opening
    Airdrop Campaign Ends
  • Read More
  • Phase V.

  • Farsite Alpha
    Produce Ships & Modules
    Asteroids & Mining
    FTL Routes Planner
    Real Cargo Capacity
  • Phase VI

  • Contracts & Missions
    Base Construction
    Planets Exploration
    Pilots Academy

Farsite Last News

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