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Last Update

Feb 27, 2022

DexBerry is a next-generation decentralized ecosystem Mega-Application backed by a revolutionary smart contract technology. The Mission of DexBerry is to leverage ever-evolving blockchain technologies to provide users with an application that supports easy access to cross-chain liquidity and tools for fast, easy, and secure acquisition of digital assets without moving from one project feature to another. With DexBerry, users can Analyze, Advertise, Acquire, Create, Compete, Earn, Game, Launch, Swap & more without moving 1 INCH.

*PRESALE date will be communicated in the coming weeks. Venue: TBA

About DexBerry

A Cross-Chain, Multi-Use Decentralized Mega-App

Analyze, Advertise, Acquire, Create, Compete, Exchange, Earn, Farm, Game, Hold, List, Launch, Mint, Promote, Save, Secure, Snipe, Stake, Win & more without moving 1 INCH

Powered by a Revolutionary Smart Contract Technology, DexBerry provides a Fast, Secured , Easy-to-Use, Mega- application (Patent pending) for DeFi systems, NFTs, Virtual reality tools, and more, all in one place.


DexBerry Roadmap

  • 4TH Q 2021- 3RD QUATER 2022

  • Ideation & Team Building
    Token Creation
    AMA Channel Launch
    Launch on Pancakeswap
    Listing on Coinmarketcap and CoinGecko
    Marketing and Promotion
  • 4TH QUATER 2022

  • Partnerships and Collaborations
    CERTIK Audit application
    Multi-chain Charts and Analytics with Token explorer and transaction tracker
    CERTIK Audit completion
    Marketing and promotion
  • IST QUATER 2023

  • Staking grounds
    Ideas workshop
    Marketing and promotions
    Cross-Chain DEX Aggregator
    Listing on CEX
    NFTs and Virtual gaming assets + Wine Project

DexBerry Team

Verified 100%

Bryan Shetler
Certified Blockchain Developer
Founder & Business Developer
Chief Technical Officer, Certified Blockchain Dev.

Former members

User Interface, UI/UX & ExpertDexberry Purple favi...
Advisor, Certified Blockchain Dev. LOOP
Advisor, Dev Contributor Safemoon

DexBerry Interviews

Bryan Shetler
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am involved in the design planning, development and testing of the DexBerry Mega-App. I work closely with the CTO and other team members to make DexBerry an application everyone would want to use.
What do you think about idea?
DexBerry is an innovative idea, a great improvement of existing platforms. I am excited and remain very optimistic.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I an experienced Business developer and Crypto enthusiast responsible for managing product evaluation, leads generation, marketing, relationship building.
What do you think about idea?
DexBerry is a unique idea with multi use-cases that I believe could be profitable to investors and holders.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the Chief Technology officer, I work to ensure that the plan, potentials and benefits of DexBerry are actualized into a valuable product that meets user’s needs. All aspects of Technological clearance is handled by me.
What do you think about idea?
It’s great, when Gloria discussed this idea with me, I loved it and then came on board. I believe we have a lot of work to do and all things being equal, we will deliver a product that we will be proud of.
Thank you.

DexBerry Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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