Cream Capital

Cream Capital

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The world’s most stable cryptocurrency.
Cream Cash is a cryptocurrency built using Ethereum blockchain technology. Intended to be used frequently for everyday transactions, the total supply of tokens fluctuates depending on the token’s current market capitalization.
One Cream Cash will always be the equivalent of one United States dollar.
Dec 21, 2017
Jan 21, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data


Cream Cash inherits the consensus of the Ethereum platform.

Spend Cream Cash using a debit card synchronized with your wallet.

Cream Cash can be exchanged online through the Cream Asset Management Platform or on-location with Campsites.



Technical Info

Cream Cash is a cryptocurrency built using Ethereum blockchain technology. Cream Cash is an ERC-223 token.

Cream Capital Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Brett Westbrook
Co-Founder, CEO
Manish Patel
J.D. Co-Founder, CFO
Narcis Ciobotariu
Co-Founder, CTO
Ghostface Killah
Co-Founder, CBO
Parth Chandra
LL.M Chief Legal Officer
Jeffrey Millen
Chief Information Officer


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Gary Wu
Partner at Godia Capital Partners

Cream Capital Last News

5.0 13
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

Cream Capital Reviews

Why Should Anyone Invest In The CREAM ICO?

Token Distribution
We can see this being a successful venture in some ways. We can see the tokens having a utility for the people that need them. We can imagine CREAM Cash machines at corner stores the country over, especially in places where personal security is hard to come by and people would prefer a small amount of cash and a ticket for more cash as opposed to unreliable or expensive bank accounts and other seizable assets.

We understand there is a potential utility here. What we have yet to answer for ourselves is how much incentive the CREAM ICO investor is being presented.

100 million $CREAM (not to be confused with $CASH) tokens will be issued during the token generation event on November 11th. A total of $30 million is desired, with a breakdown as follows:

$20 million to launch ATM operations in the US and globally
$1.5 million for their legal department (we find this a wise cost to assess at this stage)
$2.5 million for C-DAX exchange (the mechanism used to facilitate funds between ATMs, the Ethereum network, and fiat cash)
$3 million each for debit card integration and initial liquidity of the exchange-to-ATM network
48 million of the tokens will be generated immediately, 40 million of them being sold to the public at a target rate of 75 cents USD each. The other 52 million will be issued dependent upon the money flowing in through the CREAM $CASH network. We see this fluctuating supply (within limits) as interesting but perhaps not fully thought-out.

We find it too hard for the investor to predict how his funds would perform if locked in $CREAM tokens. We are incredibly intrigued by the notion of CREAM CASH terminals but we are not sure we can imagine a scenario where it will definitely play out in the ICO investor’s favor. The ability to purchase CREAM at the C-DAX and the ability to interact with the $CASH tokens in person will be an interesting prospect, but does it represent a genuine investment opportunity, or merely an interesting business plan?

We feel the system is cleverly designed to actually work for the consumer. Unfortunately, we believe there is too much focus on the consumer, and not enough actual benefit is derived by the ICO investor to justify the significant risk of an ICO.

Everything else could be the same and the initial operating funds could simply be raised privately from company representative Ghostface Killah’s colleagues, whose assets must collectively total enough to leverage traditional equity methods or even more modern answers like Bank to the Future for this project.

We’d feel much more comfortable purchasing tokens if the proposed network were already in place.

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