

Created using Figma
This is the future of sports betting.
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Oct 1, 2019
Jun 30, 2020
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 CVB
    1 USD
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About Clevebet

Running on ethereum technology and smart contracts, CVB is the most reliable betting platform. Even though as it stands today, betting has become a massive business, there are still several challenges that it has to cope with. These include security lapses, unjust odds, exorbitant charges, unprofessional practices, and disappointing returns. All these are discouraging prospective bettors and many of them are choosing to go for underground betting. With CVB solution, there is maximum safety and transparency with the betting activity, all thanks to blockchain technology. Under this arrangement, middlemen are taken out: the players set up their bets and also come up with the funds for the profitable leads. In order to take care of the funds and seamlessly send out winnings dependent on bet conditions and results, smart contracts come to the rescue.

Clevebet Team

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Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ha Phan
Founder & CEO
Giang Tong
Lead Marketing
Quan Pham
Lead Sales
Tung Nguyen
Blockchain App Developer
Long Le
Community Manager

Clevebet Last News

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