Bezop ICO

Bezop ICO

Created using Figma
Bezop is a decentralized peer to peer e-commerce order
management and processing system powered by smart contracts,
an autonomous buyer-seller protection service and a simple vat
collection system all built on a decentralized blockchain network.
Dec, 2017
Dec, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 34 400.00 ETH
Cap 10 000.00 ETH
  • 1929 BEZ
    1 ETH
Company Details
Registered Country
United Kingdom
Additional Details

Bezop ICO Team

Verified 50%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Deryck Jones
Chief Technology Officer
Simon Disney
Chief Marketing Officer
Kevin Byrne
Ecommerce Expert
Camelius Ubah
Lead Engineer


Verified 50%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Keith Authelet
Bruce Lavigne

Bezop ICO Interviews

Deryck Jones
I am very excited about the BEZOP project. It opens the door for so many people and so many companies to these kinds of transactions and a much better method of engaging in ecommerce. At BEZOP, we're committed to providing a highly secure end to end solut
I am very excited about the BEZOP project. It opens the door for so many people and so many companies to these kinds of transactions and a much better method of engaging in ecommerce. At BEZOP, we're committed to providing a highly secure end to end solution for our customers and we believe this will be the beginning of a superior e-commerce solution for many.

Bezop ICO Last News

5.0 16
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

Bezop ICO Reviews

Is this company the right investment for you? That depends a lot on whether you have a business or not. If you want to use their platform, they could provide you a good service, but if you do not plan on doing this in the first place, then this might not be the best investment as the BEZ tokens are to be used on the platform.

Because of this, wait to decide if this company can be great for you is to see if it suits your needs. Surely, you can see that the company has some future and that it will probably be interesting to invest in it, but it will only be a really great investment if it can boost the sales of your own products.

Feel free to invest in Bezop if you have a business, this company might be a good partner for your online sales.

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