Apex Predato

Apex Predato

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APEX-PREDATOR is the deadliest predator of all - soaring high above all with a mission to seek and destroy QOM and Shiba
To be announced
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About Apex Predato

First we Flip QOM and eventually we Flip Shiba

APEX first target is to achieve QOM marketcap and the ultimate goal is to flip Shiba marketcap.

Diamond Hands needed: Only buy never sell

Remember that this token is not for 5-10x gains, if you are looking for that ignore this. If you are here for small gains, please do not buy this one. APEX put fund what you can afford to “just leave there”.We have a single aim to be the biggest meme token out there and we need diamond holders only.

Apex Predato Roadmap

  • Stealth Launch

  • • Website Launch
    • Fair Launch
    • Memes
    • Telegram Shilling
  • To Be Announced

  • • To Be Announced

Apex Predato Last News

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