% name% Bewertungen

Ian Balina

7-Mar. I like. It`s an all-star in my opinion, but it’s a lottery, right, whitelist type of thing. The cap is one grand initially, which is not worth my time to be honest.
24-Apr.I think it is very solid.
10-May. I mean I've been on the fence right in my last spreadsheet on my system I liked it. I've kind of modified it and fine-tuned it and at that point of time not really, I mean it could be well, but I'm not planning.
11-May. Nex says they're a security. No moon. Sorry more clarification on why I think this will decrease potential for ROI. Most exchanges don't list security tokens due to regulations from the SEC and other organizations. Unless I'm mistaken or missing something, liquidity will be an issue with security tokens due to the lack of security token exchanges.
13-July. I passed on the NEX. Link


Another facet of this scenario is that security tokens in the not do distant future will be a big oppurtunity similar to how securities are sold post ICO currently. The problem, most specifically for NEX, if we are talking centralized exchange listings/Moon Lambos(haha) is the security token infastructure is not set up yet IE Polymath etc but i think we are close.
My closing statement obv will start with a this is not financial advice, i am not a financial adviser make sure you make up your own mind the whole standard disclaimer.
NEX by Q4 2018 will have BTC, LTC, RPX, ETH, NEO pairs. On a decentralized exchange whos offchain enginge matching and vault memory banks to rival centralized powers. It will have staking. Along with other exciting tech that i mentioned in the video. If you recall my sentiment on exchanges such as Switcheo and others investing in exchanges is based off the product it self. You are taking a higher risk because the odds of it getting listed on a big exchange(With the exception of Kyber/NEX) is very low and its liquidity will be based off the product and the people who want to use it. NEX will def fill a void imo in the DEX space even with Swticheo now out there and working in a decent enough fashion. Up until this point there is no DEX dealing in BTC or LTC pairings(A major missing component in the DEX world), no DEX incentivizes for staking, and finally no DEX is offering Limit and Market orders along with addressing the issue of concurrency in the DEX world in real time.
Thats all i will really comment on really. I don't want this to turn into a perception of a buy, hold, sell recommendation and i would leave the decision up to you guys to make sure you do your own DD before making any financial decision. Thanks

ICO Drops

10 Mar. Sergey: Not only we (Ico Drops) rated it as a top, but also a lot of experts rated it positively. So, register and hopefully you will be able to participate.
I am going to participate, this is my top project.
11 Apr. Key:I am going to participate, this is my top project.
24-Apr. Sergey: Nex is the first Very High for a long time. Hype is enormous. Cap is not big, no pre-sales, discounts or bonuses.
3-May. Sergey:I think I will lock Nex tokens for a year.
Alexey: The same.
Ivan: There is chance that NEX will be listed on Switcheo. It is not fast flip, so take in mind if you have small deposit.


Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: A
The project is highly anticipated by the market and rightfully so – a decentralized exchange supporting NEP5 tokens is badly needed. With NEX, all the new NEP5 tokens can be listed quickly to generate liquidity. 
With the reasonable token metric and credential of the team and advisors, we believe there will be significant unmet demand during the crowdsale.
For long-term holding: A
Decentralize exchange tokens generally enjoy a rich valuation (0x at $534 million and Kyber at $266 million). With the backing of the NEO Council, we believe Neon Exchange has a good chance to succeed.
If NEX is able to become successful outside of NEP5 tokens, then great; if not, it should still provide substantial upside by dominating the NEP5 token market.

Coin Bloq

6-Apr. Currently my most bullish ico. period.
17-Apr. No mvp so shoudlnt be in top rating
10-Aug. Due to market condions and switcheo doing fine and wull achieve what nex wants to do beofre nex is live. 25m usd looking bad in this market for a DEX

Crypto Briefing

The NEX ICO signifies a massive step forward in the development of the NEO Smart Economy. The introduction of NEO based trading pairs, improved wallet function, ICO launch platform and decentralized banking all represent a significant milestone in the development of the crypto space as a whole.


2-May. Neonexchange looks promising. Good support from neo council. Unfortunately didnt make it through lottery. Switcheo ico looks promising to nex.
11-May. There are few groups who are trying to pull down $nex neonexchange by calling it a security. Mainly because they cannot participate in crowdsale.
Most of the exchange coins are always deemed as security and won't be listed else where . What's new in here.
Look at $bnb $kcs $swh security tokens yet the provide significant returns. Neon exchange team is strong too and have support from Neo Council.
I will participate in this ico with my 1 whitelist of $1000. While I rate Nex at 9/10. I feel Switcheo deserves to be 10/10. I request each one to #dyor and make a final call.

Midgard Research

NEX aims to create a decentralized exchange supporting NEM-5 tokens, what is a significant step to develop NEO Smart Economy. NEX has an all-star team from City of Zion. They have already launched their Alpha which will be used in ICO for crowdfunding. According to their roadmap, NEX will have fully working product to the end of the year with cross-chain support for trading BTC, LTC, and RPX on the platform.
The hardcap is $25M which is low compared to the marketcap of the potential competitors: 0x ($600B), Kyber Network ($155M), AirSwap ($35M). NEX's main advantage is specialization on NEM-5 tokens, which makes the project pretty unique, and huge hype aroung the ICO. NEX is a security token which people will have to hold to receive part of transaction fees charged my the exchange (similar to security Kucoin mechanism).
There is still a question about a legal part of NEX as their token is a security one. ICO was expected to e launched in May, but still, there are no exact dates.

Wolf Crypto

●     Neon Exchange is a decentralized platform on the NEO blockchain that relates to an openly confirmable off-chain harmonizing machine to control trading volume and manages complicated instructions (one being limit orders) that are not possible on existing DEXs.
●     NEX will be the first exchange to involve NEO, NEO Gas and its own NEX token as base pairs to trade NEP-5 tokens.
●     Neon Exchange testnet release in Q2 with mainnet trading release in Q3 2018.


The NEX ICO signifies a massive step forward in the development of the NEO Smart Economy. The introduction of NEO based trading pairs, improved wallet function, ICO launch platform and decentralized banking all represent a significant milestone in the development of the crypto space as a whole. However . ETH based trading pairs will not be available until Q4 2018 and BTC is as of yet unannounced.



We don’t know how Neon Exchange will perform in the later months. But due to their active team, platform, and their goal to help the crypto exchanges, it can be assumed that they will be here to stay.

On & Off Platform Trading: NEX users don’t have to worry about transferring their NEP-5 tokens on and off the platform.
Comprehensive Roadmap: NEX has a comprehensive roadmap with an extensive vision; meaning it has a great direction for the near future.
NEO Infused: Since it’s on NEO’s network, the cryptocurrency will be legal in China and other Asian countries.

Lack of Interest: Neon Exchange has a lack of hype behind it, they hope to increase their awareness of NEO’s Smart Economy as time progresses.
ETH Trading Pairs: While it’s a good network, we can only expect the ETH trading pairs to appear in Q4 of 2018.
