

Created using Figma
Yield Aggregator for Compounding Returns
No nonsense Most transparent and low fees. Let’s snowball!
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Snowball

Snowball is a multi-chain aggregator for yield farming, which focuses on lowering barriers for all users interested in DeFi's potential.

The mission of the platform is to offer a one-stop DeFi solution for users of all levels. Snowball was implemented on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to leverage its growth, transaction speed as well as competitive gas fees, optimizing DeFi users' yield farming at low and transparent fees.

Snowball removes the tedious manual work required for users to track and compound their earnings. Various market and on-chain factors are taken into account in formulating the strategy to snowball yield rates for users.

Simply put, we automate the calculation and manual compounding for our users to free up more of their time.

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