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SAKΞ is the first of its kind: a tokenized sake and the debut product launching on SushiSwap's MISO token launchpad. Only 888 bottles will ever be made.
To be announced
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SAKΞ is available for purchase on MISO launchpad on May 20th, 2021 via a 7-day auction.

Ownership of SAKΞ is dictated by the SAK3 token.

To receive a bottle of SAKΞ, you must own at least 1 of 888 SAK3 tokens. You can purchase SAK3 tokens on MISO using $SUSHI. You can hold a fraction of a token, give it as a gift, or redeem a complete token to have a fresh bottle of SAKΞ shipped directly to you.

Only 200 SAK3 tokens will initially be made available on Ethereum, with additional blockchains to follow. $SUSHI and SAK3 tokens can be traded on Exchange once the auction is completed.

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