Panda Token

Panda Token

Created using Figma
PANDA — Decentralized token meme for the community.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Panda Token

The PANDA Token is a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Three simple functions occur during each trade: Reflection, LP Acquisition and Burn.

Yield & Liquidity Generation Protocol
PANDA is a high-yield frictionless farming token. There is a 10% tax on every transaction: 5% is locked in liquidity 5% is distributed to PANDA holders proportional to the amount of PANDA held.

Community Driven
Community driven & fair launch. Dev burned all team tokens and participated in the fair launch with everyone else.

Automatic LP
Every trade contributes toward automatically generating liquidity locked inside PancakeSwap LP.

RFI Static RewardsHolders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of PANDA grow indefinitely.

What is Panda Token?
PANDA is the token used in the Panda Protocol ecosystem. Everyone can hold PANDA and get profit from every transaction on the blockchain.


Community Driven

Community driven & fair launch. Dev burned all team tokens and participated in the fair launch with everyone else.

Automatic LP

Every trade contributes toward automatically generating liquidity locked inside PancakeSwap LP.

RFI Static Rewards

Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of PANDA grow indefinitely.

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