Enigma Meetup - Private Computation and dApps

San Francisco , United States

সম্পর্কিত Enigma Meetup - Private Computation and dApps

What is private computation, and why is it a crucial element of truly decentralized applications? Join Enigma to learn about applications, architecture, and implementation of privacy-preserving smart contracts during SF Blockchain Week - and meet the team and local Enigma community!


Enigma is a protocol for privacy-preserving computations and "secret" contracts, utilizing hardware-based and software-based privacy solutions to enable computation over encrypted data.
Website - www.enigma.co
Developer Forum - forum.enigma.co
Telegram - t.me/enigmaproject


১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮ ৬:০০ PM , PST (UTC -8)
১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮ ১০:০০ PM , PST (UTC -8)