What is AGE of SAM?

What is AGE of SAM?

What is AGE of SAM?

Rocket boost your NFT. Have fun staking. Join a collective of the best Solana NFT communities where everyone benefits. Almost no gas fees… and we’re just getting started.

Welcome to Solana.

We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, but keep reading – you can send us flowers later.

While Ethereum is still a favorite choice for some NFT collectors, many have been blasted by the extremely high gas fees and slow transactions associated with the ancient network. As a result, NFT and DeFi projects are moving to other scalable and cheaper blockchains like Solana.

AGE of SAM (AOS) captures this sentiment creatively in their lore – “The Great Gas War”. This is done with a clever, us-vs-them sci-fi story. By immediately capturing a sense of a Solana collective, AOS lays out a solid foundation for cross-project utility not seen anywhere else, because it functions immediately as a community hub and platform.

12 Factions, which are represented by unique already-existing Solana-based projects, including SolPunks, KAM1, Ernest in Disguise, Artpunks, and Pixel Invaderz, come together to establish House Sol. Solarium Autonomous Miners, or SAMs, are the project’s native non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are generated from the DNA of the 12 Factions. This is the NFT that investors will mint.

Every SAM NFT is an astronaut with a face representing one of the 12 unique Solana projects. The Factions gain immediate value and exposure from cross-pollination and collaboration, and holders of their NFTs are encouraged to couple them with SAM NFTs when mining $SOLARIUM, the AGE of SAM token. Why? Because a holder of both project NFTs has a higher chance to earn more $SOLARIUM. This unique concept encourages ‘diamond hand’ buyers who see the long term value in joining the AOS family – excellent.

Did we mention $SOLARIUM will be traded on exchanges? Well we just did.

They’re also planning to introduce more Factions in the future – rumor has it that their Recruits have already infiltrated some ETH communities…

When someone holds any of the 12 Faction NFTs and an AGE of SAM NFT, they will earn up to 2X $SOLARIUM when staking their SAM – which is twice as much then if you were ONLY staking an AOS NFT. This is done on weekly ‘Moon Missions’. Factions which earn the most $SOLARIUM will win prizes on top of whatever amount of $SOLARIUM they mined – everyone wins, but the most dedicated factions will win more than others.

This Hold-to Earn (H2E) model is in reality a gamification of staking itself. Who ever said it had to be boring?

Factions serve as teams. Teams create competition. Competition is the basis of any game. And that’s just the H2E utility. A Play-to-Earn (P2E) game is already being developed with a super talented video game studio that has nearly 15 years of experience working with some of the biggest companies across the entertainment industry.

Speaking of, Entertainment-as-Utility is a huge part of what makes AGE of SAM so unique. We’ve already mentioned H2E gamification and a P2E game, but did we mention that they’re giving away $50,000 in prizes before their mint?

Members of all Factions are always encouraged to join the AOS Discord to participate in various games like Poker and Trivia, as well as competing for giveaways with their sharpest memes and fan art. There aren’t too many boring moments, which contrasts with other NFT projects where the ‘entertainment’ is usually nothing more than ‘gm’ and waiting. SAM knows what’s up – the days of disengaged utility-less projects are over.

Their Discord and Twitter are lively and growing. This is thanks to a large dedicated team of admins, mods, and community managers. The founders are in there all the time busting jokes and answering all questions. When a community feels like they’re part of a family that supports them, they’ll support you too. AOS calls this their ‘Samily’ – awwwww.

AOS is also busy establishing partnerships with other top Solana projects to bring additional rewards to the hold-to-earn experience and raise awareness about Decentralized Finance, Gaming, Music, and other applications of the Solana blockchain.

They’ve also partnered with Magic Eden (ME) – by far the biggest Solana marketplace by volume traded.

Regardless, AGE of SAM is easily one of the most ambitious and well planned projects we’ve ever seen.

And guess what? It’s still super early

Minting scheduled for late January 2022.

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