How to Avoid Crypto Scammers While Online Dating

How to Avoid Crypto Scammers While Online Dating

The online dating industry is an attractive place for many singles looking for love in this day and age. So many dating sites serve as a hub for lonely hearts to interact and get to know each other. From the outset, these websites seem like a haven of romance and hookups. However, in recent times, popular dating apps have been targeted by crypto scammers who are looking to take your money under the guise of scam profiles.

If you frequently use dating sites, you need to remain vigilant. Luckily, these sites have a number of protocols in place to protect you and your information. The dating platforms at this weblink pay great attention to the protection of their users’ personal data and the preservation of anonymity.

Online Dating and Cryptocurrency – an Attractive Combo for Scammers

Online dating sites are a huge target for crypto scammers purely because many of them require a paid membership. This is the standard business model of most matchmaking services and how most of them earn money. That being said, it means you are trusting your financial information with these admins.

This is where crypto scammers spot their opportunity. They often pose as fake profiles and try to entice you into sending them cryptocurrency payments, usually via Bitcoin. More gullible users may fall for this ruse, but these fake profiles are often easy enough to spot if you know what you are looking for –  but it is possible to be stung once or twice before your learn your lesson.

Another way in which these scammers try to get your money is by gaining your trust on the dating site and then moving to a less secure location. They’ll try to get you to chat on WhatsApp and quickly change the conversation to a “great” investment opportunity. As soon as this conversation rears its head, your best bet is to block this person and never speak to them again.

How Do Dating Sites Provide User Safety?

Any reputable dating site should be on top of their game when it comes to providing user safety, especially after the highly-publicized Ashley Madison information leak a few years ago. Personal information is usually encrypted to stop hackers and scammers taking advantage of dating site account holders.

Of course, many scammers are not stupid enough to attack the servers directly. More often than not, they will create their own account and target users directly. Most dating sites deploy a verification process to thwart these scammers. If you want to create a profile, you have to confirm your email with a verification link. Some websites even require all users to post an authentic profile picture before they are allowed to talk to other members.

Unfortunately, this does not always weed out every single scammer. Some may still be able to contact you. However, if you feel somebody is not genuine, you can easily block and report them to the dating site admin team. This procedure stops them from being able to contact you or see your profile.

How to Keep Crypto Wallets Safe on Dating Sites?

The biggest piece of advice we can give you when it comes to keeping your crypto wallet safe on dating sites is simply this: do not give your log-in details to anybody. Many scammers will create phishing website pages and ask you to log in to your dating site and pay for some “premium” feature. You don’t need us to tell you that there is no special feature available – they just want to obtain your financial details and empty your account.

One great way to keep your cryptocurrency secure is by making sure you use a strong and unique password. Don’t just use your standard email password because this information can be stolen via mobile phishing and scam emails. For maximum security, you should come up an individual password which you only use for your cryptocurrency services.

You should also only use cryptocurrency wallets that come with a good reputation. Don’t use anything if you do not recognize the name or if you cannot find a large number of positive reviews.  In this case, the popular services are definitely the most secure.

With any luck, this article will have prepared you for any crypto scammers who use your preferred dating sites. With a little preparation, you’ll be able to keep your money completely secure and enjoy your matchmaking service with zero hassle from scam profiles.

Take care of your savings and happy dating!

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