٪ اسم٪ مراجعات

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

NEUROCHAIN is an augmented block chain which exploits sustainability and distribution characteristics of block chain adaptability and prediction properties of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


  • Transactions: The asymmetric cryptographic process secures transactions between the bots.A unique identifier track provided in the network  throughout its lifetime hence eliminating any fraud
  • The communication layer which is fundamental element of the platform  ensures  that the communication is easily effected within the platform and provide adequate resource for the performance of the any given task as the required time
  • The platform flexibility to any changes provided by the adaptive communication processes  makes it fit in all regions for use
  • Transparency: This is achieved through the transaction validation, traceability abased applications and machine learning algorithms  which creates a real value of all  the information flowing in the network and on a distributed certified documents and workflows (IPFS)
  • Large data : The consensus algorithms has low latency hence can execute a large number of transactions in real time
  • The platform ensure possible operations of very complicated business and social applications due to the variety of deployed algorithms  which is ensured by the proof of workflow


  • The token used in the platform is not specified in the whitepaper
  • The team involved is not highlighted


  • The platform team should be clearly stated including individuals experience.
  • The  platform token name should be created.
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Ian Balina

Machine-learning – not really looking at it and the pre-sale is already sold out so that’s probably a pass for me already, I mean everybody’s trying to do machine learning – it’s so oversaturated, that’s why I’m not really looking much into any of these machine learning, AI type plays right. I’m really looking for this purely infrastructure plays, okay so we got a prototype – proof of concept – well not sure that’s really a prototype if you have a code on GitHub, the team based in Paris, yeah I will later look more into the team.

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اقرأ أكثر

11-Mar. They are getting 75 (updated) from me, I thought it was a huge idea because it's AI on the blockchain. But the major red flag for me is that it is 180 days (before) beta and 365 days plus (before) main net release. They're asking for 37 million for a project that's not even going to be developed for over a year, the team and advisers were fantastic and the idea was fantastic, but it's just a whitepaper project so unfortunately they're not getting huge rate.

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Crypto Calibur
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Both artificial intelligence and machine learning are among the most progressive technologies that are currently being extensively developed. From this point of view NeuroChain looks as a big ambitious project. It has a thoroughly thought-out long roadmap, and if successful, it can become a new serious player in the blockchain world. At the same time the team has a lack of expertise for a task of this scale. The team does not promise a quick implementation and is focused on a long-term quality development. So, short-term investing into the project seems to us a doubtful idea, though a long-term one is more positive if the project actually succeed.
One more project leveraging state-of-the-art technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning and aiming to eliminate current disadvantages of Blockchain.

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